Griffin Tank Chimney STUCK

I have to recommend the boil and freeze method…cause everything to shrink and expand until whatever is binding it releases.

No worries on the rant. I absolutely cannot STAND sloppy, cash-grab, rush rush untested engineering that is so pervasive in vaping hardware right now.

This isn’t to say there isn’t some very well thought out and executed ideas out there but we have to wade through a lot of crap before we find the good stuff. That has been my experience anyway.

So anyway, A+ on the rant…you did well with all your spelling and punctuation so, I don’t think you had gone completely unhinged :innocent: Also thanks for the heads up…that’s the beauty of ELR…I know for the most part I am getting no bullshit reviews, keeps the rest of us from pissing our money away.


Right On and you know where they are when the time comes!:scream:

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hahaha YES…best response ever.

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If tanks could talk, these two Griffins would be screaming … Enough Already!

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I purchased the grip tools from ft. In my opinion you need two of them. Got the set with 4… Looked like the best deal to me. So far they have worked well for me to take the tank apart. Have only used them 2 times.

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Those things are great! I got a couple of free ones from Origin Vape not long ago and they work crazy good; like little tiny pipe wrenches for your atomizers when they give you sticky issues. :grinning:

Yoo, what are these tools called? Do they still sell them at Origin Vape? I NEED THEM.

What is ft? I need these tools.

Vape Tweezers

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Ty bearcat. Just don’t be in a hurry with fast tech.

These are bad ass

I love my Griffin, and I never had any of these problems …until yesterday. I was changing flavors so was cleaning all the parts in my ultrasonic. I didn’t need to re-wick, so I didn’t want to put the coil base in the ultrasonic with the tank parts. I thought I could just dip it halfway so as not get the wick/coils wet. That worked great! …too great in fact.

I reassembled and loaded with juice. When I went to open the juice flow it wouldn’t turn! I knew it had worked a minute ago and knowing the powerful degreasing ability of my commercial ultrasonic, the problem seemed obvious. I took a couple dabs of PG and put it around the knurled nut at the bottom. It was near impossible to turn, but as I worked it for a few seconds it was soon good as new!

I also use the @therabidweasel advice and use silicone plumbers grease on non-juice-exposed o-rings and threaded parts. You can find it in the plumbing section at your hardware. It’s a small container and only micro dabs of it are necessary. I don’t know how you people have survived without this amazing water-proof grease in non-vape aspects of living :wink:

This silicone grease works great on the Griffin to help the driptip top come off effortlessly (to fill) without risking unscrewing the whole top of the tank. A few microdabs around that topmost thread and wipe off with a paper towel …comes on and off like a dream. So the problem is getting your deck/510 assembly too clean. Props to all the tips above on how to get it to turn at all. Wide rubber bands or a grippy microfiber should be enough …hey you just covered it in PG/juice right?

Nice Nick @BoDarc . . .are you in one of the flyover states? One of my favorite trees is the Bois d’Arc (or Osage Orange). . .(or Hedge, depending on where you are)

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Nice work :wink: I usually get "Horse Apples!"
BTW after looking at all the busted pics above I’d like to mention all you need to separate/lube is the knurled nut just above the build deck …well in my case anyway. You are welcome folks at GeekVap and thanks for my fine product, please send me a sample Griffin 25 [cough]

Bo"brown-nosing for some free shit"Darc

OK, so you are a thorny cast-iron-hard tree with large inedible fruit. It’s a neat tree, I have to admit. Fattens up the squirrels and makes 'em taste better in the winter too.


Ha! Native Americans used the wood for making bow staves …so I’m more like the guy who is super flexible right up to the point where…

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My brother made a bow and arrow from bois d’arc and then shot a coyote and a bobcat with it. I don’t agree with killing those animals, but you have to admit that’s pretty awesome. I know osage orange as we mostly call it well. I’m from OK, you?


Central TX

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