Has anyone from uk used vapours-r-us?

Has anyone from the uk used vapours-r-us for there concentrates really cheap 100 ml for £7.99 extra strength just found them wondering if anyone else has used them and if there good http://vapours-r-us.co.uk/100ml-extra-strong-concentrated-flavourings-for-e-liquids/ here’s the link

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I haven’t used them before and looking at the site there nic is expensive. Can’t really say about there flavour’s as i haven’t used them. There suggested percentage is 5-10% similar to capellas.
But at them prices for flavour’s its worth trying a few 30ml bottles, just to see. You never know :wink:

I’ve seen on planet of the vapes some of the flavours are rank apparently but this was over a year ago but my favourite pear drops has had a great review so I’m going to buy the 30 ml no harm in trying it potv said to order of the eBay page (arrives quicker) I’ll buy a few flavours after Christmas and get back to you on how they are :+1:

Good would like to see what finnished percentage they work out at as its only worth the money if there any good. :ok_hand:

Iv got there golden Virginia and Virginia tobbaco its strong mix it at 4% to 5% not to bad, iv used there vanilla and had to mix it at 20% not worth getting it again and there vanilla custard was weak I had to bump up to 25% and it still was not that nice, so now I get cappella custard wow so much better, people have said to me some of there other flavour’s are OK but some are nasty.

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I tried their blackjack and mint choc ice-cream (both or them at 10% and 20%) in April 2014 and was so unimpressed that I’ve never been back to their website and have recommended to others to avoid them.

Also their customer service is terrible.

tl;dr: If it looks too cheap… you’ll probably only get what you pay for.

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Thanks for the advice I will try there pear drops as it does have good reviews but that will be it then :+1:

@Pattie An update about vapours r us I bought there pear drops and I can say it is great mixed at 10% flavour is there but just a little bit weak so made a mix of 15 % and it’s bang on for me I will order some more in the next week or 2 and update you on them​:kissing::dash::dash::dash:

That 10% & 15% seems rather high. I suppose if it’s cheap enough???

It is cheap 100ml for £7.99

Happy new year!

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I absolutely love their Black Ice (10%) it’s like vaping ribena :slight_smile:

I bought the heisenblag not tbf but got into buying individual concentrates to mix from scratch a lot more satisfying

I was looking at there site last night,there concentrates do sound nice and theres alot of them to choose from.i wouldnt say there were mixed revues because most were good or even excellent but there were a few saying even 20-25% wasnt really that strong and although i do love my capella flavours im in agreement that at there prices, do warrant buying a few just to see how concentrated they really are and what the taste is like.