Well guys, I am looking for a new RDA and the hell boy caught my eye…I like the way they look, but are they any good? I wanted to ask the knowledgeable people here at ELR before I make a choice. I have also heard good things about the velocity but I like the look of the hell boy better. Any more suggestions?
Of course anything I buy is going to be a clone…
This is one of the better Attys you might consider. Don’t think the Hellboy went over all that well…
Thanks @ringling glad I asked because now I will definitely not get the hell boy and I was leaning more towards that one. I have come across the aromamizer clone that looks pretty cool too. Do you know anything about that one?
No sorry, I do not. Honest truth I’m shifting away from drippers in the shop cause they sell very slowly these days with all the RTAs available now…
What kind of things are you looking for in a dripper?
I have a few drippers, some are for performance (clouds) some are for flavour, some are for bigger wire builds etc.
I have the hellboy on my castigador box mod and i actually like it alot
Loads of room for twisted coils and it sits nice on the box mod being square itself
I used to have a velocity and swore by that but in all fairness i absolutly love the hellboy
There is actually a Wofoto Sapor Review on ELR now…
Well I am looking more for flavor than for clouds and I think I have made up my mind to get the Mutation X v4. I have found them for a decent price of $26.00 so I think I am gonna go with that. Do you know anything about these?
I really like the look of the hellboy!
I saw it and it looks great! I think I am gonna go with the Mutation x v4 though…
I also have the Hellboy. I love it. I don’t have the Mutation X to give you a comparison. But I use my Hellboy to test my juices. I actually brought it to work today to test a couple of my mixes.
Just curious - Why isn’t the cotton in the drip well?
I am just using it to test flavors. So I just place enough cotton in there to get a few drips on the coil then replace it with new cotton. Works like a charm.
My best flavour attys are
I have a mutation X v1 and it’s more for clouds. I can’t comment on the v4 though.
I just talked with a guy that has the Mutation X V4. He didn’t recommend it. He said he likes the Motofo Troll the best oit of all his drippers. Which I find odd because he also has a Velocity