Help Building Ti Coils for Various Tanks

I just built a single coil in my Crown using 22awg, 4 wraps, 2mm. It came out to .08ohm. And I am vaping on @Alisa’s Nanner Pudding (awesome btw). It’s the best flavor I have had on the Crown RBA yet. I even tossed the 2 week old staggered-fused clapton coil when I pulled it. I don’t think I will bother building those any more. :grinning:


You’re using a thicker gauge/ lower ohm than me, but what wattage/joules and temp are you running on the Crown? I was having issues with mine, but after I dropped my watts back down to 45, and upped my temp to 540 I got a vape a liked.

Not really feeling the “this blows away all other coils” feeling others have described, but it’s not too shabby. And I did sort of get used to stainless, so maybe that’s part of it.

I am running at 500° and 45J. I was aiming for .05 ohm but missed it by a bit. When I first installed the coil it was .12 ohm. So I pulled on each leg as I tightened and straightened the coil. I maybe could have gotten a little more out of it.

My problem is my wicking on the Crown RBA kinda sucks. Even following @Pro_Vapes tutorial my airflow is really restricted. It isn’t leaking though :blush:

I am going to rewick and change flavors after this tank and see if I can do a better job of it. I still need to open the juice holes.

Could you send me the link to that calculator? I do all my mixing calculations in my head or I write them out on paper, but this one looks very useful to me as I have had problems with this in the past resulting in me buying several different guage wires which I really didn’t need. Basically waisting money.

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I use the Crown RBA, it’s easy to wick, just lead the cotton out the top, cut so 1/4 inch is left out the top, then stuff the cotton back in and wet the cotton. Works every time and no leaks or dry hits.

I use 26g Titanium for all my tanks. I have 2 Cthulu V2s and a Billow V2. The Cthulu V2s are my GoTo tanks, great flavor.