Help choose five pawns clone

Hi everyone, was looking for Five Pawns Gambit and Castle long clones, there’s some recepies in here but they look a different from the original. Will appreciate some help from someone that vapes any of this juices to help me choose a good recepies for me to follow. I really need to get a good juice to get back the satisfaction of vaping. Really love one of this clones as they were my fav 8 years ago and now I can’t find nothing sweet or really sweet… I Norway I don’t know what’s going on with the options but everything tastes fake as hell.


Welcome to the ELR Forums @Vladas. I completely understand your frustration with finding good recipes for the Five Pawns e-liquids. There are a lot of decent attempts at cloning Five Pawns e-liquids, though some fall really far from the actual recipes. I have some of the OG recipes that I can privately share if you are interested just let me know what else you are looking for.


Welcome and glad you joined.


Welcome t the former m @Vladas :tada:


Thank you for your recepies, will need to order the flavors and try it. I’m in Norway and here it sucks to get flavors… I lost pleasure in vaping and even got back to smoke since I moved here… Need to find a good really sweet, cookie maybe with Graham crackers, and custard rich flavor juice. I used to vape this two five pawns clones in a ready to mix concentrate from Mr Motard but they not available anymore…