Hi everyone I know this is kind of a question that I can search myself but I’ve been looking around for a nice green and gold mod to match my green and gold royal hunter rda and the only reasonable one I’ve seen that comes close is the alien. This might be the closest match but just curious if anyone knows of others off hand. No need to go searching the net for me! Don’t want to waste anyone’s time! Just thought someone might already have a mod of this color that can help! Thx in advance! Here’s a pic of the rda.
On a side note… Van Halen vapor lounge?? Really?
This is just a Gold Mod (Bronze) but that topper would look sweet sitting on this, thoughts?
What do you think?
I think it would look best over here
You could also look into doing a wrap.
Lol I just used it to supply pic was being lazy!
Agreed! It would look pretty sharp on this! Thx
So far that’s the best looking one I believe! I’ll check them out! Was looking for something a bit more premium over a smok alien! Thank you
That’s a great idea thx Ken!
I thought this one would be sweet but jeez the price lol for a single battery evens like 700$ wtf lol! Looks nice though.
J-wraps and VaporSkinz are the two that come to mind. They have some pretty nice looking stuff. I think @JMak642 uses VaporSkinz. I keep thinking one of these days I’m gonna get one for my VT133 cuz it’s pretty beat up and could use a refreshing new look.
I like the looks of this one, I have been eyeing it for at least a month. Wismec Predator 228 TC Mod
i could probably do a dark green/gold stabwood piece. Otherwise, i definitely know they make darker green anodized aluminum enclsosures…thats half of your equation.
Thanks for the shout out @Ken_O_Where!!!
While we’re chatting about this anyone have or use the royal hunter by chance? Struggling to get great flavor from it which is odd because of its size! Any suggestions to this would be great as well! I think it coil positioning relative to airflow! It’s new for me and have only tried a few single strand ss builds in it! Hopefully someone mastered this rda and would know!
@Cutlass92 I saw this one at a local shop and the green is nice but the other part is beige or khaki color would be great with a camo tank or rda or black even!