Help! I need an Orange/menthol recipe

Hi I’m relatively new to diy and I’ve been looking everywhere for an Orange/Menthol recipe to replace MBV Solar Flare, which was my absolute favorite ADV. Any help would be appreciated.

Well, If I’m you I’m making my own recipe. I would go to ECX and find their best selling orange flavor:

(Looks like this is it)

I would then add a cream base recipe from this site Looks like this base could be used around 5-6% of your total recipe. This one might work:

Then I would add a menthol recipe: (I use that menthol mix but swap Koolada for Capella Cool Mint at 4%)

Good luck!


following, Could possibly use an TFA Orange cream, (some of the reviews also call for a citrus/candy-like taste. they compared it to flavorful as thug juice, so maybe you could find a bon-a-fide clone of that and use the percentages as a starting point. orange, citrus/candy, menthol,

I saw this, a orange cream with menthol…

Looking forward to the progress of this

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That’s a lot of Mango in that recipe…that would be very bitter for me with my taste but my daughter loves Mango. She’s a big fan of Alpha’s Mr. Miyagi. I think I could love that if the Mango was at .25% :slight_smile:

I just asked him to update the recipe, he said he lowered the mango since, but it looks tasty…plus it may serve for a Mountain Dew Livewire base… muhahhahah:yum:

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Thank you, I will definetly give them a shot. I mixed an orange with a menthol and I ended up dumping it out, never thought of adding a cream/other flavors.

I think I found my Replacement for Mt.Baker Vapor’s Solar Flare. I mixed MBV Ecto Cooler, MBV Jungle Juice, TPA Orange Cream, TPA Sweetener, TPA Koolada. Now I just have to figure out what concentrates to get to mix my own Ecto Cooler & Jungle Juice Concentrates.

In my ‘cloudy skyz - cottoncandy and popsicles’ recipe i use Orange (FA) and creme de menthe. Of course that isnt solar flare, js its the combo i used for orange and menthol flavor

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