So I’m trying to make an orange flavored juice but I can’t figure out how much flavor to add. I’ve tried google but couldn’t find an answer.
So could someone more experienced in mixing help?
What’s the name of the flavor and who makes its?
Orange by Pink Lips.
What is the brand of orange you have?
See if you can find it here then click on the flavor name and look at the details and the notes it should get you going with a single flavor mix.
I have sorted them by number of recipes click the col header to sort differently
Of course if it isn’t there you will have to trial and error mix - do small batches of different % see which one is suitable for you.
here tis not common though - i would mix a 5% and see how that goes you can always add more
I’ll try that Thank you
@PurpleClouds Ive recently discovered Orange Cream Bar from TPA and at a 5% mix, its a great single flavor vape. its also good to just shake and vape.