Help. What do you use to you store your flavors?

Who told you about my sweet teeth? Butterscotch pudding… Yummy! Great idea. I’ll add that to my wish list for Bull City Flavors.

The woman that donated an egg to my existence used to make these butterscotch pudding drop cookies. SO much shit I wanna make, but limited room. I tried all this DIY a year ago with no NIC. It went to the side because it was… Well… No NIC. Then I had an idea and thought, add NIC dumb-ass.

But the bottles all evaporated.


Yep! Tried labeling the mixes with a Brother P-Touch. Almond joy, 3% Nic, X% milk Chocolate, X% nougat, roasted coconut and condensed milk. A P-Touch wastes 2" of tape per label. Wont fit around a bottle so you end up with 4 or 5 labels.

Not to mention, I put the bottles in the dishwasher to be reused. Have to peel the labels off.

Started labeling the bottles with #1, #2, #3,…etc. Put the details in Word, and taped it to the inside of the cabinet door.


Just added them all to my Bull City Flavors wish list. 4 to 6 months from now the wife might not notice:) I really don’t want 200 flavors. I’m too old to alphabetize that many.


Cotton candy? What’s that taste like?


I noticed you like caramelly &/or butterscotchy type flavours, i think you might also like SSA milky caramel fudge?

Another must have aswell imo , especially if you like your caramel type vapes, is TFA ry4 double, i didnt try this for the longest time out of fear it was going to be a tobacco but boy was i wrong, its probably in my top 10 (maybe even top 5) all time favourite/most useful flavours.


& to stay on topic with the thread, i just keep my flavours in a big plastic tub in a cupboard,lol,similar to a fridge drawer but bigger, & then i keep the rest/bigger bottles/duplicates in a mini fridge, but i only have like 200 flavours now plus a lot of doubles of ones i use regular, it was a mess when i had over 400 plus my dounles etc i could never find anything, always knocking bottles over then having to pick them all up 1 by 1 only to knock them all back over again, like you say dominoes,lol. But that left me not even wanting to mix half the time. & i dont have the space to build shelves etc i have to get erything out then pack it all back up, its a pain. I do have my ADV flavours in a seperate box though so i can always mix those easily but developing new recipes is a chore,lol.


I love it!

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I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not, but it is more of a flavor enhancer for me. No Super Sweet needed if you don’t want it. 0.25% and you’ll be good to go.

Kinda like adding salt to your meal. :blush:


Yeah @PaulyWalnuts, I’ve never had great great luck with P-Touchs for this application. Now granted, I print a lot of labels, but even when I’m printing a few, I never regret moving over to the Brother QL WIFI label printer. I just get rolls of endless tape, and print as much as I need to on the cheap.


Yeah if you’re writing long titles/flavour names etc the labels on the p touch can end up a bit long, i just set mine to 50mm & use double lines (just press enter & it will add a line undernieth), this works well for 30ml bottles & up, but i only use the p touch for labeling tests when creating new recipes etc. For my completed recipes/ADVs etc i use a cheap £10 temu printer i can connect to my phone, can literally print anything on there, edited photos, screenshot recipes, anything i want really & for what it is it works really well.


This design with just a few alterations by me wood be perfect to make out of pallet wood. I’m thinking for the door, id clamp/glue some pieces together, sand, and then cut them to size. Maybe a nice stain. I could even get fancy and put some trim on the door to make it less flat looking.

I hope my woodcutting skills are better than my drawing skills. I want to try to rout the little circles out that will fit the bottles almost snugly so it’s harder for me to knock them all over, and I didn’t include the door, but of course a door will be put on. I think all I would need is a pallet or 2 with really thin boards. For the backing, either I won’t have one or I’ll get some really thin wood type material and tack it on. I figure the shelf pieces will brace it, and It’s gonna have wall behind it so it probably won’t be necessary.

Rough sketch, subject to change.

Getting the nail polish holders seems like quick and easy, but a lot profile cabinet will protect them from the sun. Plus I just wanna make something lol.


Wow!!! That’s a really cool custom label!


Thanks, this is how my wish list grows.


I could totally do that! If it didn’t cost money.

Way, cool!


Hey, I like the idea of the holes to hold the bottles.

My original concept for the cabinet I drew was to hold sticks used for planking the hull and deck of a model ship. It had no middle shelf or top. It held them vertically so I could sort them by size.

Sample kit for a very small ship, and the end result of a much larger. Also some pictures of some of the tools required. I’m simply no longer physically able to stand more than a few minutes.


Wow!!! That’s a lot of pieces! Cool equipment too!


1500? One time I made a meal with shrimp. There were an odd number. She said either cut it in half or throw it away, or I’m filing for divorce!

I buy 1500 bottles, I’ll be single for sure!


That’s for a very small ship, too.

1st image is a toothpick. They don’t come with directions. Just 4 pages of schematics or more. Both sides of the sheet. Took me 3 years to build that ship. Nano second for a kitten to knock off the shelf.

Stay on topic, pauly!


Roughly yes…BUT, before Noted, I only had around 600. After I started Noted it was all downhill lol buying every flavor I could find for the flavor of the week. Some were given to me to review as well… and THAT’S why I’m single…because I’m a wild child and don’t like being told what I can and cannot do. My last boyfriend told me I spent too much time with my horse…that was it… I’m too old for that bs :upside_down_face::grin::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


My wife says I don’t spend enough time cleaning the house. I’m WAY to old for that! Had a house keeper that we fired because a $200 bottle of 20 year old single malt scotch came up missing!

Probably mixed it with water, or poured it over ice. Or diluted it in some way. Probably didn’t dip her cigar in it either. :hot_face:

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