Help. What do you use to you store your flavors?

Okay I’m officially feeling like a crazy person. Not because I have like 100 flavor bottles, but because I have nowhere to really put them, and every time I’m near them they all go down like dominoes. I need them to all be visible and easily accessible.

I don’t have a mixing station, and I don’t have room for one

Long ago, I bought an essential oil hanging rack on Amazon, and boy was it a cheap pos. It’s too small, I don’t even use it anymore.

I’m thinking of finding some old pallets and building myself a wooden storage rack for the wall. I would prefer if all of the labels were still visible, and that I couldn’t knock them over like dominoes.

At this rate, I think it would be much cheaper for me to actually build my own rather than buy one. I’ll just go scavenge some wood, probably old pallets, cut what I need, sand it down, and then I can use a router to cut little circles to fit the circumference of the little bottles, and the I can make custom holes for the larger bottles. I just to to measure and cut wood, glue it and screw it. I can even get fancy and stain it. I’ve always wanted to build something myself. I believe I have the majority of the tools to do it now as well. This way I can make it completely custom for my needs, with some extra spaces for future additions.

I haven’t had to need to order many flavor over 10ml since there’s not a lot of flavors I’ve found to love that much, but I do like a lot of whats in my collection right now, and it would be awesome to have all the labels visible and easily accessible and, sturdy.

That being said, what do y’all do to keep everything organized and accessible? I imagine a lot you have a dedicated space for a mixing station, I unfortunately dont have space for that.


Back in the day I would keep all my flavors in ziploc bags by manufacturer- and flavor type. Had them all in clear totes under the bed. It sucked- and really killed my desire to mix at times.

Depending on space, these might work.

Plastic Wall Mount Racks

Maybe you could build a little shelf- and go from there…

Good luck on whatever you choose to do.


@Mediocre_Remedial well, not sure if I can help or not, but I 100% need to have labels visible, and actually, if you have mostly 10ml bottles, even easier to set them up and keep them visible.

I have combos of table top and wall racks. Yeah, I’ve got loads of containers as well, but working-wise, I can see, find, and get to whatever I need.


Omg it’s beautiful.


Also beautiful setup.


The plastic wall racks are looking really good. Not as heavy and more low profile than what I could build. Hmmmm… Gives me an idea though. I could make maybe 2 long, skinny wood shelf and route out all the holes for bottle sizes. I just like the idea of making stuff too lol.


I have 200 plus flavors in short wide rubbermaid containers at the bottom of my fridge. I have no AC in the summer and it gets crazy humid in here is the reason, but I know where each one is off by heart, just cause they’ve been there for so long, whenever I replenish it goes back in the same spot in the rubbermaid container lol.


its the fridge for me too, same thing every flavour goes back to its own spot in a metal biscuit tin. i have about 150 flavors now
the 3 ml samples are in a Ziplock on top along with many 10ml bottles

I don’t feel comfortable leaving them out at room temperature for years


Many moons ago, I needed something similar for the “Sticks” I used for planking the hull of my wooden model ships…

I went to our local home and garden DIY store (Home Depot) and they had a lot of every size and shape imaginable of wood laying around from shelving and displays, waiting to be thrown away. They even had peg board!

Free!!! Let’s see if I can describe what I did…

These models come with “planks” of ALL different widths, lengths and thicknesses, and there would be dozens. I need them to stand upright and in fact, I needed something across the top, below the tops of the sticks so I could grab them to lift one out. Probably not relevant.

Grab say, a 1/2" to 1" thick x 2" tall, x 3" deep and however long hunk of wood you need and build a “box”. This is for the bottom. Before assembly I used my circular saw to cut grooves into the “inside” of the front and backs of the box. Hang tight, now… Not real deep, maybe 3/16" deep? just enough to hold some peg board snugly in place. I cut these 2" apart for my needs, and inserted them into the slots.

So if you’re looking down at the “box”, length horizontally, you’ll have peg board dividers 2" apart, vertically. Like a box with a bunch of little boxes inside.

Now you need some sides and shelves with enough room to stick your hand in and grab the bottles. My 10 ml bottles are approximately 2.75" tall, so a 2" tall board should leave 3/4" of the bottle sticking out to grab it. Make as many shelves as you need.

Put a back on it in case you want to move it. Oh, and mount it on a wall. Looks tacky? (Twas in my garage, which I called my dry dock.) Wife didn’t care.

Paint the wood and use plexiglass? Oh, wait, we want the liquids to be kept in the dark. Hmmm. Oooh, Oooh, Mr. Kotter, I have idea! Make the board on the top and bottom of the “main” box, a little deeper so you can add the same groovy I had (get it GROOVy?) to slide a cover in and out of.

Leave room for growth!

How the foxtrot am I supposed to see the labels? Did’ja think of that, Mr. Smarty Pants?

I used duct tape and a permanent marker. But if you’re married and have a wife that crosses her arm a lot, get a Brother P-touch.

Divinchi and his code has nothing on me! Questions, comments or concerns. Good luck! Fire away!

And I am NOT OCD! My flavors are not alphabetized. Much.


Nail polish racks off Amazon for me.


Thank you for the very detailed advice, @PaulyWalnuts. You also just reminded me about the sun… The spot where I wanted to put the shelf is in front of the window. :skull_and_crossbones:

I definitely do still want to build something.


I use these- I think I’m close to 1500 flavors, each drawer fits 100 of either 10 or 15 ml…a bit less with 30’s. Since my wall space is limited these drawers stack. I label the top of each bottle so they are easier to find, and then of course,I label the drawer. It’s what I’ve used since the beginning.


You might be a redneck… (Or retired) If you spent a day making this image!

You should be able to put this in front of that window. I use that insulation on my garage door panels. Works great! 1.375" thick. Hell, I suppose you could apply it to the sides and the doors.

Just wondered something. Do Y’all alphabetize?


YES!!! 100%. I’d lose my mind if not. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Fortunately I have only 30 flavors.

I can’t imagine having hundreds. Add ONE flavor that starts with a “B”. Move 198 bottles of flavors on the the wall. 198 bottle of flavor… Buy another, do it again, 199 bottles of flavors on the wall.

Wait a minute. 100 bottles of beer on the wall? Wouldn’t a shelf be easier than Velcro?



I can’t believe you have NO custards!!! Awwww man you’re missing out.


@PaulyWalnuts I’ve tried all order of systems, and about the only one that worked was by brand, and then alphabetical within each MFG. Some of my larger tubs however are just by MFG with no real order, but all tracked in the spreadsheets.


??? First one. Almond custard. Then custard cream. Or are you another one f’n with my mind? :joy:Don’t be screwing with my mind! Wife already calls me a Coglione.

Just got some sweetener and some whipped cream, and a flavor pack for 'Smores, from Bull City Flavors.

Speaking of BCF. I recently had occasion to ask for a MFG’s recommended % for a flavor I wanted to use for some e-juice. Their reply said something to the affect that their flavors are for drinks, cakes… etc. Food recipes. “Others” may be using it at x% for projects of their own. Perhaps it’s illegal to use in some Countries? WTF? I live in the Socialist Republic of California! If it doesn’t taste like tobacco, you’re on your own.

You think I’d sped $500 + on base, flavors, nicotine, scales, bottles…etc…etc? If I could go to the store?

Hell yes! 1., it kills a retirees time, 2., it challenges the brain (Dr. recommended) and 3., according to my calculations, when all is said and done, a bottle of juice should cost me around $1.70 for 120 mL’s.

That’s IF my calculations are correct! Since it took me a full week at some 7 hours a day, it could be $30/bottle, for all I know. What I DO know is the wife see’s I spend around $200+ for cigars/month, and I tell her a bottle that’ll last me at least a week or more is $1.70, she’s a smiling!

Given she was a Critical Care RN for some 60 years, she can inflict extreme pain without leaving a mark!

Having ranted about being married for almost 60 years, what custards should I be looking at?


capella vanilla custard is like the gold standard and the most popular

Inawera custard is good as well unless its been reformulated since i tried it

and flavorah vanilla pudding


You’re correct. There are “a few” custard type flavors in there, but like @warkwarth said. CAP Vanilla Custard is an absolute must have.

Here are a few others that come to mind that are a MUST… Folks will add to this list I’m sure. :slight_smile:

TPA Vanilla Custard 1 and 2.
INW Custard
New York Cheesecake - Capella Flavors
Bavarian Cream - Flavor West
Sugar Cookie - Capella Flavors
Cookie (Biscotto) - Flavour Art
Acetyl Pyrazine
Cotton Candy (10% EM/Ethyl Maltol) - TPA

These are just a few off the top of my head. Not all custards I know, but they’re needed for sure. :muscle: