Help with Menthol recipe(s)?

Thanks for the welcome. Had been lurking for a while, but with everything going on, especially since the flavor ban started in NY last year, went back into DIY again.


Hi John14 and welcome to the forum. Glad you found us. I’ve never tried just unflavored base with menthol, but it may work for some folks.

Being a new DIY’er, I am experimenting with a variety of tobacco flavors with menthol. I started by single flavor tasting with added menthol. That helped eliminate a few tobacco flavors that just didn’t hit any of my flavor spots. Now I think I have found my main tobacco base (Western Blend - TFA) and am combining it with a number of other tobacco flavors at different percentage strengths along with things like Cappuccino or Mocha, Chocolates, Honey and Sweetener. Hoping to find a handful of those combinations that hit my taste buds in the best of ways, while still giving me some variety of choices.