What coil insert are you using?
Postless deck
Think we have been through this before but…
Try using smaller coils on the post less. Something like simple Clapton’s. It a small deck .save the current coil for another RTA.
I get the same thing whenever I use large coils. If you don’t build try buying smaller 2x28x40 spool and wrap about 6 winds on each. A small screwdriver works great to wrap on.
It a good RDTA but simple smaller wire works better for the smaller build decks.
Thank you very much! I was wondering if maybe they were too large, I wanted to get some more experienced folks input, such as yourself.
what @rcleven said
My SCs shine with simple single 24g/36g, or dual core 26g/38g claptons with a 2.5mmID. The large mass coils struggle with flavor on that small deck IMO.
I use CC 2.5mm fused Claptons with the leads cut at 4 or 4.5. With the smaller chimney and smaller glass. Good luck!
Thank you @Lostmarbles @Lynda_Marie , I am going to put new coils in today based on everyone’s help.
Thank you all again!
Late to the party here @TimWV, but you already got the answers. You know I always love trying JUST single wire Kanthals, JUST to see. Let us know how the smaller/simpler coils work out.
@TimWV I guess I MISSED this little detail. So you ARE getting good/great flavor for the FIRST half of the tank, and NOT the second ??
If so, that’s MORE than curious. If you had the “wrong” coil, or less than prime coil height, then you wouldn’t be getting much flavor ALL of the time, not specific to the 2nd half of the tank. I don’t know what juice you are running or what wattage. Also, I don’t know how high you cut the coil legs, as airflow (aka coil position) can make a HUGE difference.
When I reviewed it, I did indeed run QUAD cores, but instead of using SteamCrave’s rec. of 3.5mm I.D., I ran 3.0 mml, and cut them a little higher (longer) than what they spec’d as well. I was LESS worried about having the coil sitting directly on top of the bottom airflow vents, and MUCH more concerned about the side airflow hitting almost below, and on the lower sides of the coils.
To all that offered input, thank you! @rcleven @SessionDrummer @Lostmarbles @Lynda_Marie
I took everyone’s suggestions and installed 2.5 ID tri core fused claptons I had laying around and as you all so correctly stated, it worked! I finally am getting great flavor out of this tank!
Spectacular!! Congratulations, that tank puts out a ton a flavor. Enjoy!
After installing the new ones they were just a hair above very very close to how your picture shows, I’m very pleased with the performance of this tank now!
Well I’m glad to hear that @TimWV. Just remember, sometimes bigger, mega coils aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be, BUT, it can also be the airflow hitting the coils, AND, it can also be the wattage. Lots of variables, to make your head hurt.
Tell us what’s happening after a few tanks. Am eager to hear your response then.
The V3 must be different because I run huge coils on my V1’s and at times felt I was getting too much flavor! Yes, that can be a thing😆
Sign me up for THAT!
@rcleven It’s been about 5 or 6 tanks in and it’s still rocking great flavor! After taking everyone’s suggestions I haven’t had a single issue with flavor or cloud production! I’m using one of @SessionDrummer creations, Ice Creamed Espresso and am getting each of the flavors coming through, HUGE difference from before!
Thank you for your help!