I’m going through a number of tanks trying to find a good MTL for me. The latest is a Vandy Vape Beserker.
The first problem was leaking. Massive leaking through the air holes. I kept re-wicking tighter and tighter and that problem reduced to an acceptable level. Not zero, but close.
But the second problem has me stumped. On the tight wicks, and get about 3 to 4 excellent milliliters through and then the coil fails. The mod won’t fire and reports 9.9 ohms. I take it apart and inspect. Don’t see any problem. I remove the wick, rinse and dry the coil and put it back on the mod with no wick. Then it’s fine and dry burns OK. I re-wick and vape another 2 to 4 mils OK, then the same coil failure. Three coils have now behaved this way. The coils are single thread Kanthal 32 gage, 6 spread wraps at 2.5mm, 1.9 to 2.4 ohms fired at 7 to 8 watts on a Kanger Kbox mini.
So, is the 9.9 ohm readout a sign of a short or something else?
9.9 ohms is due to a short somewhere. Your leaking issue could be from the wick not being able to do it’s job. Wicks should never be so tight as to choke the coil. They won’t soak in the juice. You should be able to slide the wick thru the coil with relative ease but not too loose either. Get a heavier gauge like 28 or 26. Are they pre-built coils?
Check if there is YouTube video on building the Berserker and see how it’s done.
I’m with worm on this. A short basically reduces the resistance to nearly zero. 9.9 ohm (maxing out on the device probably) looks like a bad connection.
I’ve had similar issues with my Goon on a Wismec mod, on any of my other mods it would fire properly (and Wismec is known for lousy 510 connectors).
If you have another mod, I’d try on that first.
BTW, here’s a review and build example from Mike Vapes
Like TorturedZen, I recommend using different wire and not making the wick too tight. You still want it to be able to wick.