High Class Vape Co. Amazing E-Juice deals & Free shipping for orders over $25 (US Only)

TGIF Fellow Vapers! We’re High Class Vape Co. a somewhat new E-juice company out of Vista, California. We pride ourselves on our quality ingredients, low prices, and we offer free shipping inside the U.S for orders over $25. We’re glad to be apart of this community now and we hope you enjoy our E-Juices! Check out our website and feel free to ask us any questions you may have. High Class Homepage

This is a DIY e liquid website… :confused:


Hey @Grubby Happy Friday! :smile: we understand this is a website that is mostly catered to DIY but e-liquid companies are still allowed vendor status here and we’re confident that people will like our juices if they give it a try :wink: We couldn’t be happier to be on this forum and wish everyone a fun and safe weekend.


Of course, I appreciate that!

Welcome and good luck!! :smile:

Hmmm pretty interesting :nerd_face: You should call it primium elite special reserve ejuice. You may get
More buyers.


Well is anyone having a good Friday today? Something is up today…:thinking:I just can’t find the source…:pensive: I think I’ll zip it the rest of the day…:zipper_mouth:


They can’t…I already have a copyright on that…

Ozo Blue Balls Lizard Grove Momma Milk CocoLoco Hazel Nut-buster CitriJism Best Premium Elite Special Reserve Taste My Juice Get Loose Goose Buy One-Get None Free :smile_cat: :smile_cat:


Welcome to the forum, don’t be surprised if people start cloning your juices though :slight_smile:
(you could always give us hints along the way to tell us how close we are getting :wink: )

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I will say $20 for 120ml is a fair price. I personally make juice for a lot of my friends and I charge $20 for 120 ml. But this is probably not the right forum to advertise on bevcause most of us won’t buy any juice no matter how good and or cheap it is but I will check out your flavor profiles and if it sounds good I will make my version lol.



I must apologize. I’m sorry for jumping down on you. I know tisk tisk. I should acknowledge many ejuice companies start out from people in the DIY community.

That being said, there are many good reasons why a diy’er may choose to purchase some finished product.

  1. Sometimes life gets way to busy and we don’t have time to mix. Work and travel makes it hard for me.
  2. Illness. Sometimes we just have to do the purchase because of the reason.
  3. There is nothing wrong when supporting a local business and economy. We all got mouths to feed. (I had orange flavored pancakes this morning.)
  4. It’s sometimes good to see what the market is doing…which it is nice to see you have competive prices. If I had found companies just prior to DIY at these prices I would have never started mixing.

That being said DIY forums are big on do it yourself. For lots of reasons. Price, safety, quality, health and so on.

That being said, if you want to build a reputation Through DIY forums and get people talking your gonna have to spend marketing dollars on giveaways. A discount is not soley gonna do it and the start. You will still be met with folks that will not have something positive to say…but you gotta have a thick skin…understand where we are coming from…read some posts prior to posting (hence my snarky comment ***search the word " premium")

For example. Prior to winning a prize from a acompany in china I would have never ever ordered something directly from across the ocean. Now I will. The packaging was great, shipping time was awesome, and prices are good.

That being said take alook at some of the contests being done. Here is one idea…

  1. Must tag one friend.
  2. Contestants state three things they like about the website or critiques.
  3. Pick 6 winners
  4. do the drawing in 9 days
    12 give 12 free bottles of ejuice (30 or 60ml) to each winner.
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Hey everyone, we have been discussing selling our ingredients/flavorings on our website for DIY websites like this. If interested, more info will be coming at a later date as we get that all set up on our website. :slight_smile:


Look forward to seeing what you do! :smile:

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AH HA ! Now we’re talkin !!!

As we make this available to our customers, we would love some feedback on which flavors you would be most interested in? That way we can better serve you and get certain flavors out there first according to demand. So please leave which flavors you want most. here is the link to our juice list: http://highclassvapeco.com/vapor-liquid.html

hope all is well :slight_smile:

There are about 200 imo.