High vg with a kanger sub mini

Hi I’m new and wondering if someone can help. I’m using a kanger sub mini I was using high pg liquids and don’t like the throat hit so changed to high vg. I seem to be getting a lot of dry hits. Can anyone suggest anything to help??

Distilled Water at low % will thin the mix some… 5% or less. Start at 2% and work your way up if necessary. It sometimes mute flavors so start with 10 ml tester.

I’m not familiar with the STM, but I have expanded the juice channels for better wicking.

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A Kanger Subtank should not have problems with High VG. How old is your coil? Do you have this problem when the coil is changed? Are you using the new Vertical coil? You’ll have to lower the wattage with the new coils.

Please give specifics as to how much VG (Blend), and what equipment you use it with and what wattage you vape at should lower wattage not solve your problem…

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I’ve had success with poking a small needle into the cotton in the holes. It varies from head to head, if I experience problems, but in general I do not. I don’t use my subtanks very much any longer though…

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Dang, forgot about that. Hell, I’m even the one that brought that up. As @Sthrnmixer said, guess I’m showing my age, duh…


I poke holes, too. Or recoil the head with a little less cotton, or set it to medium air flow so that the harder suction pulls juice in more, or ‘prime’ it with a no-fire pull every few hits. STM is pretty much my go to at the moment. Not sure what ‘high’ is (max vg?), but I’m using 70vg/30pg most days.

I have to hit it a few times to prime mine ( no power) and if that doesn’t work I have poked holes tiny ones on each side that seems to help as well. I have the full size tank and use the new vertical coils. Also prior to screwing it on I prime it with juice. My mixes are typically 15/85 or max VG so if you are using any higher than that I would do like @Pro_Vapes suggested and thin it with some distilled water lately I have gone straight to doing this at 2% and haven’t had a problem w/ muting.

Ah ha! I’m not using the vertical I’m using the rba. But I just tried with using a low watage and slowing going higher and I think I nailed it! I’m using 70/30. I’m learning… slowly!!! Thanks guys


I pretty much just did this this morning and seems to be a lot better I think I keep using too much wick less seems to be better and taking priming puffs on a lower wattage thank you :slight_smile:

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you could open them juice hole a big… it makes and huge dif

Ahhh yes, that would explain a lot (RBA). Hopefully you have Version 2 of the RBA that has large holes for the juice. If not as @quitter1 said you can enlarge the holes if need be. Wicking RBAs is actually a art that can be difficult to get the hang of. It pretty much has to be just right. Can’t have too much or dry hits, can’t have too little or juice is pouring out of the air holes. Just right comes with practice including setting your wattage per build…70/30 is what I use as well. 70/30 allows me to use my juice for both subohm and non subohm applications, I do both these days…I’m glad you got it figured out, later…

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I exclusively use the RBA on my Subtank Mini (the newer version with the big holes in the sides fro the Subox kit). I still think of myself as a sub-ohm noob, but if you have any questions that I can answer, I’d love to help. My usual build is a 5 wrap 24g kanthal (don’t make fun of me Pro_Vapes!) with japanese cotton, and depending on how it goes I vape it at 15-20 watts with the airflow set to max. I usually rebuild every week or two and it keeps me pretty happy.

Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done, and I think it tastes great.


you’ve gotta try stainless or titanium you’ll never look back…

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Destroyed my v1 rba…trying to take it apart…glad I did. Fast tech has the authentic v2. It is much easier to build on and wick.

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One day it’ll be just like mixing by weight, everybody will be saying, “I should’ve done that a long time ago”… :grin:

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