Hohmwrecker G2, hohmy Easter!

What’s up vapefam!
SirRisc here with another gear review!

I’ll be looking at a device that has been kicking up a storm lately, the 100% American made Hohmtech Hohmwrecker G2!
It’s not just any ol’ mod either, it does temperature control on Kanthal, how exciting!

This Hohmwrecker G2 was sent to me for the purpose of this review by Vapourdepot.com!


A couple of weeks ago the always friendly folks of Vapourdepot.com contacted me for a rather special device.
The first device that is supposed to be able to do temperature control not just with Ni200, Ti01 and Stainless Steel, but also with Kanthal and Nichrome, or any other resistance wire I would throw at it.
This made me curious of course because it’s something that really should be impossible, but the guys from Vapourdepot said it actually worked as stated.
So I did what any of you would do, I started looking at the Hohmtech website for more info.
I watched PBusardos review, and follow up. I watched SuckMyMods review. I looked on forums, on Reddit, I googled my butt off.
And all I came across was people saying it worked, and people saying it didn’t work… eventually I had to conclude that I would have to test it for myself.

I should also mention that the guys from vapourdepot were kind enough to send a bottle of liquid along with the mod, Skittles flavor!
If you’ve never tasted the rainbow, this is a mandatory thing to try. You’ll be chucking rainbow tits in no time!
(No but seriously, it’s an excellent green/yellow Skittles flavor and you should really try it if you have the chance.)

So does it work? Is the Hohmwrecker G2 worthy of the hype?
Or is it a fad, a gimmick? Let’s find out!

Hohmtech Hohmwrecker G2
Hohmtech Hohmwrecker G2 Ltd Ed.


  • Dual 18650 powered
  • 10W minimum power output, 151W maximum power output
  • Temperature control for Ni200, Ti01, SS and Kanthal
  • Temperature range: 200°F to 700°F or 93°C to 372°C
  • Resistance range: 0.007ohm minimum resistance (this is pretty insane, I would advise not to build that low) to 3.0ohm
  • FSK chip onboard with upgradeable 64k hybrid OS
  • Stealthed update port
  • Springloaded 510 connection
  • Available in a myriad of colors, and in limited edition with male/female/ohm symbols on the side

Hohmtech Hohmwork 18650


  • “Upgraded” LG HE2 18650 (details here)
  • 2531mAh capacity
  • 21.5A Continuous Discharge
  • 40.6A Pulse Discharge
  • Can be charged at 4.25Ah
    These have been tested by Battery Mooch, results here. Thanks Mooch!


The Hohmwrecker comes in a nice cardboard box with the mod depicted on the front, and info on the back of the box.
The obvious styling of the mod also shows on the box by means of shiny symbols all over the box.
Opening the box is different from most but definitely a very nice option, it slides open to the top.
Inside you’ll find the mod sitting in a foam insert, and a bag with the usermanual.


This will be a lengthy segment so strap in and make sure you have a vape handy.
I filmed a video of myself testing the Kanthal TC (aka Vape Porn Mode) on the device, and left largely unedited.

Why didn’t I make a sweet edit of the footage with cool effects smeared all over it while blasting annoying dubstep or trap?
Because I don’t want people to think the footage has been tampered with, and because I’m a lazy git when it comes to video editing.
There is a reason I don’t do video reviews, and this is pretty much it. Plus I like writing.
However I will spoil that there is fire in the end… :slight_smile:
I won’t be going into too much detail on the TC mode for Ni200, Ti01 and SS. They work as intended and much like other TC capable mods work.
The strongpoint of this mod is the TC mode for Kanthal and that’s what I will focus on predominantly here.

The first question you’ll be asking me is: "Does it work? I don’t believe the hype."
Yes, it does work. Though not as other TC mods do.
The way the Hohmwrecker does things is very different and the TC mode for Kanthal is more of a limiter than it is an actual control.
In essence it comes down to the same thing as an experience, but it’s less refined and more of an added safety against burning wicks.
Unfortunately I’m not a scientist (despite having a degree in metalurgy) but I can tell you that TC on Kanthal is by no means an easy thing to do.
How the Hohmwrecker does it is something I can’t tell you, because I simply don’t know the details. I just know it works.
I’m sure Ben from Hohmtech will post a few more videos on the Hohmtech channel about this, he’s pretty cool about these things.

Alright, let’s get into it.
The G2 has 4 buttons on its faceplate, the usual firebutton and the up and down buttons, and an extra button for menus.
For consistency’s sake I’ll name it the menubutton from here on out.
In between the plus and minus button and the firebutton is the screen, which is quite clear and shows all the needed info.
Above the firebutton is the menubutton, holding it when the mod is turned off will turn it on. At which point the display will light up and show you the Hohmtech logo and a loading bar which states “Insane Vape”.

The G2 has three classes, by lack of another word.
Switching between the modes is done by quickly pressing the menubutton three times.
“Digital Watts Mode” which functions like any other mod would in wattage mode.
“Insane Temps Mode” which holds the TC modes for Ni, Ti and SS and functions largely like any other TC capable mod.
And the “Vape Porn Mode” which has the Kanthal, NiCr (Nickel-Chromium), and XXX mode.
I wasn’t able to test NiCr mode as I did not have any NiCr wire at hand.
XXX mode is where you can throw pretty much any alloy (like platinum for example) on and finetune the mod to limit the temperature.
The Kanthal TC mode is what we will focus on, as it does what no other mod has been able to do so far.
The G2 goes from 10W to 151W in all of these, so it does go to eleven. :wink:

To set up the mod for TC on Kanthal it will take some time, and if you’re used to TC capable mods you’ll find that this mod does things a bit different.
The way I’ve done things is to put the mod into Digital Watts Mode, attach the atty, put the mod into Kanthal TC mode, lock the resistance, set the power, set the temperature and then start finetuning.
A lengthy process compared to other mods but one that does pay off in the end.
Once the mod is set up like this, you’re able to finetune the sensitivity by changing the FSK Temp Curve.
The FSK Temp Curve hides in a menu called “Advanced Insanity Menu” and can be reached by holding down the menubutton and plus and minus buttons briefly.
In that menu you’ll find the FSK Temp Curve, Auto+ TC Control, Screen Rotation, Upgrade Port, Firmware Version, and lastly Exit.
The FSK Temp Curve can be adjusted from 0% to 100% and works as a tool to adjust sensitivity.
If the mod refuses to fire your build in Kanthal TC but the values you’ve set are correct, this can be the saving adjustment.
Every build will have its own value, though I’ve noticed that my builds usually sit around 60%.
What the FSK Temp Curve does is something you’ll have to ask Ben from Hohmtech, and he’ll explain it in length. (At least he did in the PBusardo follow up video)

The Auto+ TC Control option is pretty much what it says on the tin. It will set the power automatically according to which Auto setting you’ve chosen.
There are three options; Battery Saver, 51% Insane, and Maximum Insanity.
In the Battery Saver mode the mod will output no more than 45W when the battery is between 60% and 100%, 40W between 50% and 59%, 35W between 40% and 49%, 30W between 30% and 39%, and finally 20W between 0% and 29%.
In 51% Insane mode this changes to 80W between 60% and 100%, 60W between 40% and 59%, 45W between 30% and 39%, and 30W between 0% and 29%.
In Maximum Insanity it will output 151W between 70% and 100%, 130W between 50% and 69%, 100W between 40% and 49%, 70W between 30% and 39%, and 40W between 0% and 29%.
You won’t be able to adjust the wattage when using the G2 in this mode but temperature is still adjustable, as is the FSK Temp Curve.

Updating the firmware on the G2 is done with the stealth USB port, but you will have to go into the menu and turn the port on.
The process is fairly simple and quite fast, you can see a video by Ben from Hohmtech here outlining the process in full.
The firmware files can be downloaded on their website.
As with any mod we’ve seen so far that has firmware upgrades, we’re left to the will of the manufacturer for updates.
Hohmtech has assured us repeatedly that the G2 firmware will be updated fairly long and constant, and will include changes to the algoritm they use as well as the terminology used.


Whether or not you’re fond of the male/female/ohm symbolic, it has to be said that it makes the mod very recognisable.
Personally, I think the mod could have done without it, which is also why I chose a “flat” model instead of the limited edition.
The innards and box are essentially the same but the symbols on the side aren’t painted on the limited edition, making them pop out more.

Symbols aside this boxmod may remind you of a classic, the Sigelei 100W, which it apparently borrowed some of the design from.
The mod is very boxy in shape, has the same layout for the buttons and screen and is about the same size actually.
One additional button has been added just above the firing button to access the menufunctions, but otherwise it resembles the Sigelei mod very much.
The screen is bright and very easy to read, though some of the smaller lettering on the screen can be a problem to make out in direct lighting.
The bigger lettering is still very easy to read in direct lighting, and there’s no glare on the screenprotection.
The firing button has a slight concave to it which makes it very comfortable to push, the tactile feedback is also very reliable.
One unfortunate thing irks me though, the firing button was made so it sits nearly flush with the mod but the menu button above protrudes about a millimeter, as do the plus and minus buttons.
I would have loved all the buttons to be flush or all the buttons to be protruding equally.

Pros and Cons.


  • Great batterylife
  • TC mode works for Ni200, Ti01 and SS without issue
  • TC mode for Kanthal actually works
  • Robust styling
  • Excellent tactile feedback on the buttons
  • Resembles the classic Sigelei 100W in size and form (I realise this will be a con for some, but considering I still use my Sigelei 100W+ to this day makes this a big plus for me)


  • Not all buttons are flush or protruding equally
  • Male/female/ohm symbols are hard to love at first
  • TC mode for Kanthal and other alloys can be daunting
  • TC mode for Kanthal and other alloys needs a lot of adjusting
  • Terminology like “Insane Vape!” and “Vape Porn Mode” is ridiculous

In conclusion.

I went into this review thinking the claims of TC on Kanthal were a gimmick, but feeling the mod actually limit the power when the wick ran dry was a definite eye-opener.
While it may not be TC in the traditional way, the mod will save you from dryhitting a Kanthal coil as well as on Ni200, Ti01 and SS.
As you can spot in the video, the build I was using quickly caught fire when I chased 151W through it without any limiting. That’s something noone wants to inhale.
The learning curve of this mod is a fair bit higher than other TC mods, but it’s worth your time as you gain more flexibility in how and what you vape.
For a very long time the Sigelei 100W+ was my baby and I struggled to put it back in its box and retire it, but the Hohmwrecker G2 has me convinced that it might be the right time.

In closing I would like to thank Vapourdepot.com for sending me the Hohmwrecker G2 for review!
Thanks for reading, next time I’ll be looking at the Geekvape Griffin! The 22mm version, not the 25mm. Damn two week upgrades.

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#staycloudy !

SirRisc disappears in a cloud of RAINBOW scented vapor

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