Holiday Gift Exchange!

Oh you mean this thread

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Yeah lol. This is the one


British Columbia canada! 1 mg

Sillyrabbit lives in texas. 3mg

I fully support this and intend to give at least a couple of things away anyway. . . BUT I try to stay pretty anonymous online in general so I won’t be participating.

I think it’s a rad idea and it just goes to illustrate how unusual the culture of this forum is on the interweb.

@daath, do you have like, a life, that isn’t this? Either way, I don’t know how you do it, but we appreciate it. Goofy and humorous emoji appropriate for situation here.


Understandable. But I don’t think you have much to worry about with this crowd.

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My “shyness” speaks nothing of the folks on the forum, just about TRW. I’m an old school curmudgeon conspiracy theorist. I know it wouldn’t take long for most people to track me down and find my high school yearbook photo. I may open up and get a Facebook account here in another few years, but until then I’ll maintain my illusion. (In truth I know for a fact that someone on here already has all my personal info.)

Hey, here’s a thought, can I give but not receive? That looks unsavory in writing, don’t it?


Maybe you could just be in to receive a gift certificate. You can create a secondary email on gmail or something so you could receive a gift certificate. That would be somewhat anonymous.


Michigan 3-6mg. or the Tesla Darth doesn’t need.


I want to participate But I am moving and we don’t know our address just yet ?? It is set up by the nursing travel corp. ??? Uh, I will hopefully have an address very soon and if I can affirm it by the 22nd I’d love to be in otherwise :smile:


Could always be in and just have them send your gift after you landed somewhere.


True ! I mean my email address is valid ?? and I ain’t running away from the site ( hee hee ) !

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Or, like LordVapor said, request that anyone who gets you gets you a gift certificate for somewhere since you don’t have an address yet.


That would work too. I could always PM Lars my new address. We should be getting it sometime next week the housing department sets it up and pays for all that we just go to the contract and work :smiley:


Just give the information you want to (or have at the moment) to @daath so he knows you are ‘in’.
If you don’t want to give your mailing address, an email should do fine. People don’t have to participate either…
I don’t want people to feel obligated. Not at all. This is just for fun, so if it’s not gonna be ‘fun’ or it could be in any way, a hardship, just don’t. It’s ok. We all love ya anyhow. (not directed toward any one person)


You will get one soon. We got a little time for that


Just realized it’s my b-day today. Who has my Mustang GT? :laughing:


:cake: :confetti_ball: :balloon: Happy birthday!! :balloon: :confetti_ball: :cake: If I had a spare, I’d certainly send it to ya. :wink:


Happy birthday my friend.

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Thanks guys. I just got a b-day present from ECX. Lots of new flavors to play around with. Finally, I have Yogurt! Now I gotta get busy and make a bottle of something for everyone on the gift list here. Wouldn’t want to send an unsteeped concoction to someone :wink:

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