Honey Flavor

If anyone hasn’t tried the Milk and Honey ,Ice Cream combo I would like to suggest this one.It is stupid simple and a decent S&V.After a month it becomes phenomenal and I don’t take that word lightly.It is the best four flavor mix I have ever vaped.

Ella's Vanilla Milkshake

Biscuit (INAWERA)1
Milk and Honey (Flavorah)1
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA)8
Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA)2

Flavor total: 12%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Thanks, the one ounce glass i have had do and often they contain unwanted things like colour, polysorbate80 or even worse caprylic triglycerides

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Cool! No clue what most that means i just vape. I’d test it for ya but left my mass spectrometer in my other pants lol.


I haven’t seen that recipe before. I :heart:️ It so I can make it later on. Thanks !
On a second look I will also make a few adapts slight % tweaks really. Nothing too crazy but 8% of VBIC I don’t do well w/.


The first time I made it I was tempted to drop the VBIC to 5-6% , as that is my norm but I made it exactly to the letter and haven’t gotten the courage to change anything yet :yum:


There are only a couple entries for it in the database, but has anyone else tried Real Flavors Honey? I haven’t, but I was pretty impressed with the honey notes in one of their Baklava betas. Not that that necessarily translates to them having a good honey flavor, but it makes me wonder…


That TFA Canteloupe is horrible.


:scream::raised_hands: Hold the Bacon!


Amen to that, TFA has completely scared me off honey till I get the taste out of my mouth, can’t last anther 8 months can it?


So far im a fan of HoneyBee (FLV), i usually use it around .1% I have FA’s Honey but i havent mixed with it yet, i got it last week and havent had any time to mix since.

I asked this recently too, id very much like to know. Reckon ill have to order some with my next round of orders.


I’m vaping Honey right now! Yumm It’s based on @NotCharlesManson’s Honeybee which is spot on honey. My Peanut Butter Honeybee is been my major ADV since I posted it here. Try it without any sweetener and add if you like your honey lip smacking sweet

Peanut Butter and Honeybee - PB&BEE

Ingredient %
Better Stevia Glycerite - Now Foods 0.5
Caramel (FA) 1
Cookie (Biscotto) (FA) 1
Cream Fresh (FA) 2
Honey (FA) 0.5
Marshmallow (FA) 2
Peanut Butter (Flavorah) 0.75
Peanut Butter (TPA) 2.5

Flavor total: 10.25%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

What percentage would you use in a mix with custard or creams?

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for honey FA, try it around 0.15 - 0.3% first.
0.5% is too much for me, but maybe right for you.


I like Flavor Monks’ Honey. I use it at about 1%-2%.


Capella honey tastes like zachary candy corn 2%
Only honey I’ve used

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I’ve just got and mixed a honey & milk from VTA’s um, honey and milk: I can reply again once it’s spent at least a day or two in the mix to report.

Naturally it smells like cat piss fresh from the bottle and since this is the second concentrated honey that’s smelled that way I’ll assume they all do.