Hey Vape world,
I Was a heavy hookah smoker till i quit and started vaping
in my diy i’m searching all the time for flavors that gives me the taste of any of these:
*Grape Hookah flavor
*Gum Hookah flavor
*Apple Hookah flavor
*Peach Hookah flavor
I have tried Capella’s Grape Juicy Peach FA Peach and TPA Bubblegum all failed.
If anyone can help me with this or any other Hookah (Shisha) Quitters found any recipes that would help me I’ll be very thankful…
All good things ^^
I was never a big hookah smoker so I’m not very familiar with the exact taste you’re looking for, but Inawera carries a Shisha line (strawberry and vanilla are very popular flavors from that line). It might be worth it to check those out and see if it’s what you’re looking for.
You might also find something you like here:
Or just simply search “apple tobacco” “peach tobacco” etc in the search bar on the recipe side.
^^^^^^^ Best advice above. @zCloud_Beast you may want to focus on a tobacco flavoring you would like, then add your flavoring list above at low% and maybe a sweetener (Hookah mixes usually have a sweetener like molassas or honey). RY4 Double (TPA) may be one of the most popular and easy to like. Here’s an example I found poking around in the ELR Recipes. If that mixer looks like someone you would like you can also simply look at his/her other recipes [click this]
Ex heavy hookah smoker here. I find the Arab hookah flavors nostalgic and simple these days, but I still like em. The aforementioned Inawera shisha line will get you close to the classic shisha flavors in a dead simple way.
I always used washed OG Arab tobaccos. I think a lot of the newer shisha tobaccos wish they could achieve vape flavor. I’ll still pick up a tin of Starbuzz from time to time, but I greatly prefer a vape.
Shisha Golden Apple (Inawera) for me it is just like the real think… I smoked Nakhla Double apple. Have a try of that and you won’t regrets
Just wanted to jump in and suggest something. Sorry for resurrecting a half-dead thread, not that I think anyone on ELR cares about that sort of thing :D.
ok here it is…
I was drunk-mixing with some friends this last weekend, one of the more promising recipes we came up with was this nameless beauty
TFA apricot 4%
TFA honeysuckle 3%
OSDIY Holy Vanilla 1.5%
TFA sweetener 1%
Now, as it stands, its not fantastic… but totally vapeable (needs some balancing in future versions, which I intend on doing)… The reason I’m sharing this recipe is that I got an UNCANNY hookah taste from it… like it blew my mind… I’m fairly certain it’s from the honeysuckle (sweet “honey-like” and faintly floral) I’ve used honeysuckle before this, like once, maybe… but I’m going to be playing with it a lot more now.
My idea is that using honeysuckle at 2-4% in combination with maybe FA desert ship at .25-.5% and your choice of flavor (INA Bahrain apple (i hear is really good for a shisha) or pretty much any of inaweras shisha line MAY actually get us there. It’s something I’m going to play with and test, curious to hear other people’s thoughts.
That looks like a really nice combo for a tobacco juice. I’m starting to like tobaccos more and more and I love tpa honeysuckle. I don’t think I’ve tried an apricot flavor yet… maybe one or two at some point (?), obviously nothing that stands out in my mind but it sounds good! I’d be very interested in hearing where you go with this, keep us updated!
Oh… And drunk mixing (or at least drunk recipe creating) is the shit! Great way to get those juicy ideas flowing!
Definitely one of life’s simple pleasures. A bottle of bourbon, a few friends, some good music, and a desk full of hundreds of flavors… Good times
ty all ^^ …
mixing mixing mixing…0_0