How does one add iced flavour?


I’m trying to get off vaping so I am slowly reducing the nicotine in the juices that I buy but I’m finding it ridiculously expensive in my province to pay the taxes on the ejuices that end up costing more than $1 per ml if bought in the store ( can get little better prices online but still expensive).

So right now I’m vaping 20mg/ml salt juice. If I buy ejuice with less nicotine, or with freebase instead, its still wouldn’t be cheaper as most of the cost is tax. So I had the idea to just buy some food grade propylene glycol and dilute it myself. That way I can still buy the strongest nicotine concentrated juice, to get the most for my money… and then just keep adding more and more PG until I’m smoking no nicotine at all, basically was the idea.

Only one problem, that may dilute the flavour too much

I like iced flavours. I don’t need to bother with sweetener I don’t think, I just want something with that cooling sensation. I was thinking this peppermint essential oil I have, but the first DIY guide I read said DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS.

Okay. So what do I use? I would actually prefer a more mintless ‘iced’ sensation, But I would also settle for a minty one. How is that achieved?

Or will this peppermint essential oil be okay? I wouldn’t use much. I’m trying to get off the stuff after all, so I don’t want it tasting too good, which is why I am avoiding sweeteners. But I do need that iced sensation, its like an essential part of it for me.

Thank you very much.


IIRC you want WS-23 cooling agent

sometimes it’s listed as koolada but there are multiple WS cooling agents standard koolada is usually WS-5 or something and some companies have an “ice” flavor that is a re-labled WS or combined cooling agents with no real flavor.
I can link a product page for ws-23 if you want but it would be canadian

23 seems to be the highest rated with less off flavors and it is just cooling no mint

as for diluting your juice, most store bought juices still have plenty of flavor even diluted 50% you could always buy some flavors with the cooling agent
but IMO just suck it up, you don’t NEED flavors


Thanks for getting back to me.

Well wish I saw this post before. I read a different post somewhere else that said you can use menthol crystals diluted in PG for a menthol flavour. So I bought some of those, they were cheap on amazon, so was some food grade PG and VG (came in a pack - that tells its probably for vaping - should have 1L with them combined) and then some high concentration (Nicotine) vape juices (both in salt and freebase, I tend to like 50/50- both 20mg/ml each and both 120ml) they are already menthol flavour so I figure it wont conflict with the other menthol ( I hope). I was gonna get flavourless - but menthol was the same price. And this way if the pg/vg ends up being bad or the crystals end up being bad - at least I’m not left with my pants down. ( I basically have to order everything online or taxes are just crushing - and shipping times aren’t always great)

My idea was to dilute more and more as I go, starting from 10mg/ml and working my way down from there. And if the menthol kick is lacking just crush up and dissolve some more of those menthol crystals. I’ve even seen vape juices where they advertise that they get their flavour from “pure menthol crystals” so I can’t be that far off the mark… right?

What do you think? Is it an okay plan?

And yeah I agree on the no flavours part. Do you consider menthol a flavour? For me its more of the throat hit it provides that I find I’m dependent on. Well actually I’ve always got that from ‘iced’ flavours. I hope menthol is close enough. My room mate has a menthol vape with no sweetener that I tried once and it seemed fine to me.


erm… well I hope your PG VG is USP grade and not food grade
I would research the difference but USP is pharmaceutical grade and is what is used for PG based inhalers etc
food grade might be safe but i would never use it,

getting back to your first post yea never vape oils, causes lipoid pneumonia - very serious life threatning.

menthol is a flavor to me but whether the plan is a good idea perhaps not the best execution but yea diluting until 0 mg works well can’t say if you will like the menthol

If it hasn’t shipped you can cancel amaZon orders


Oh really food grade isn’t what I want? Damn. Thats weird because the pharmaceutical grade ones I found all had reviews like “Don’t use for vaping - tastes off.”

The one I picked doesn’t say pharmaceutical grade… damn it. But it does have positive comments regarding vaping. Then again… those can always be shilled… both ways… so who knows. Ugh.

Oh wait… Yes it doesn’t say in the description but I see it just barely on the bottle if I zoom in “USP grade” Phew. Feel like I just dodged a bullet there.

Thanks for your informative posts.

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still gambling
I don’t think anyone here uses amaZon for vape stuff and when I looked VG/PG was even more expensive on amaZon than where I get it

You should look at a reputable supplier you are inhaling this stuff after all


Well I probably still have time to cancel the order. What are some reputable companies?

I live in Canada so if its not on amazon or another canadian company I usually have to pay gigantic shipping and import fees. And the whole point of this is try and save money since I’m broke. I get its my health. But if all goes to plan, it will be temporary. If everything doesn’t go to plan, I’ll go back to pre-made juices and it will still be temporary.

I did try looking at some big suppliers before checking amazon and ran into several roadblocks including said import duty and also ‘only deliver to business addresses.’ but perhaps I missed something.

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there shouldn’t be any import fees but can be shipping charge
dashvapes actually has 35$ order and free shipping last time i used them

diy-ejuice .com
thebrokevaper .com
both 100$ free shipping i last checked

for your purposes i would go with dashvapes
hopefully they still sell VG i think they got rid of flavors. it’s been a while since i ordered because i buy bulk so i use dash less often

i have used all 3 multiple times


Welcome to the community @iameatingjam !!!


Mine says USP Food Grade…that not ok?


That’s all I use @UrsusArctis.

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Oh good to know, thanks. Was a little worried there lol



sorry if i was confusing yea they can be both USP and Food grade

but i wouldn’t use VG/PG if it only says food grade and missing the USP standard

amaZon probably fine to buy VG if you can find a trust worthy brand on there. Im just very paranoid of amaZon because there are so many re-branded items from china which have been caught outright lieing about certifications

USB wall adaptors / cables are a good example of that when UGreen was lieing about following USB-IF spec and showed a fake USB certificate


That’s understandable :wink:

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Got the ‘pure menthol USP FOOD grade’

but noticed some weird things in the fine print.

Like ‘For external us only’

Like so double question mark here… its food grade but not to be put in the body, I guess that could kind of make sense if it meant like don’t put where the sun don’t shine but then combined with the spelling error…?

So I go to their amazon sellers page and see this ‘Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product.’

Which tells me to trust the ’ for external us only’ over the ‘USP FOOD GRADE’

I’m returning it.

Ordered some ws23 from which from what I understand is just a dashvapes rebranding. I had to order more PG and VG to get the free shipping. Damn. Might have to return the amazon pg/vg one too even though I took a close look at that one and decided I think its legit. But what the f am I supposed to do with 2L of vape fluid I’m never gonna smoke that much.

Actually… that might not be true. I just want to believe it is :cry:


VG can be used for cooking, soap making, face creams, moistoriZers, lube for that squeaky doorhinge and probably more

it also has a loooong shelf life.
I use spare PG to make a sucralose solution to put in my coffee and my vape juice. probably could use it to make some natural flavoring extracts too - don’t vape those though

If concentrates are sold in a vape store they have to charge both excise taxes. By creating a new business entity (FLVRS) they DO NOT. Notice nicotine is only sold at actual Dash.

Same thing with thebrokevapor who created flavourhub for concentrates.

It’s all good.