I keep my mixes pretty fresh. I think my oldest ones are December. Maybe 1-2 Novembers that I will vape by the next week. The rest are 2-4 weeks old. Oh how they grow up so fast.
What does this say for recipes that require at least a month of steeping? I’ve got some kustards that continue to improve out to 6 months or more, as I’m sure many will attest. I’d ask where/how you guys are storing flavor concentrates and mixed juice? Personally, I have my carry bottles in a herd on my desk, 20 or so bottles. I keep my mixed batch bottles in a cool dark place, right next to my concentrates. They are never in the light, and I’ll admit that I have concentrates that are upwards of 2 years old in some cases and are pretty much exactly as I got them. YMMV, and I doubt all concentrates are created equal, but having stuff spoil that quickly seems out of line with my experience.
It may be on a case by case basis. One disaster I had was with mixing two brands of retail juice. They’d be great half and half mixed directly into the tank but when I got down to a half bottle of each I just mixed the bottles. Three weeks later it was shoe polish.
before i used a fridge , i kept my flaves in a hall closet and after one summer i found some flaves that went bad , so yes your right case by case for sure im pretty aware of how things taste and smell so typically on a older flave ill smell and taste it just to see but that probably isnt always right either lol
Oh, that makes sense too. At the rate I vape a lot of my creamy experiments, I should probably keep the concentrates in the fridge starting…NOW! I have plenty of small shipping boxes to keep them organized tucked away in the crisper.