How long do you generally steep your juice

Call me crazy and stuff. But my favourites, I make in 500 and 1000ml batches and steep for a minimum of 90 days.

Am I the only crazy one?


My batches are much smaller but depending on what flavors used 10 days to whenever I get to it. Have not broke out some juices for over a year and they were delicious.


I mix from 10ml to start, just to see if I like it… )

steep from 1 day to 5) then if I like it I might go 4 oz…
If I really like it, 8oz… if I know I can vape it all the time, then I might use a 32oz…


If you can go 90 days then your willpower is way stronger than mine will ever be. Depending on the mix I steep anywhere from 5, 10 or 30 days.


Always 1 month for me. Luckily I dont really like fruit only mixes. Or menthol.


1 minute to 3 months.


It depends, fruits, from 5 to 10 days (don’t like to loose the volatiles) creams/bakery not less then 20 days, Tobaccos… depends on my crave… I want it now!! and it’s two days… or, this will be a good thing, (or did too many) leave them in a dark place and forget about it…

Once it happened just like @Letitia… what’s this?? the label said Latakia and Mango… my thoughts went: I probably should have thrown it, but I never throw away anything (well hardly never…) and tasted it… it was delicious!


It depends on the juice really.

Most fruits I mix are good the next morning. Some creams and desserts need at least two weeks, others more.

And there is one specific recipe I make that has to be vaped two weeks after mixing. Too long steep makes it horrible


It’s not about the willpower, just about mixing enough, so that you don’t have to start on a new batch until the steeptime is over.


I totally agree with this, i have 5 500ml bottles of my fav custards stashed and aging. Been steeping since December and tasting mighty fine.


I’m an odd duck so I have to throw my opinion in to even the odds lol. I mostly vape custards and bakeries, like I have 15 bottles of juice “steeping” and only two have fruits in them, and they are both fruit and cream mixes lol.

I vape almost everything through my various squonk mods, and I vape a squonk bottle of almost everything within a week of mixing it, then another bottle every week after, so if I mix 60ml up then about 30-40ml makes it to the 1 month mark. The only mixes I don’t touch for a month is anything containing lorann cheesecake or MF hazelnut, and I give FW butterscotch natural mixes 2 weeks.

All that being said, it’s obvious that custards and bakeries, especially custards, taste better the longer you let them go, but I actually enjoy the flavor of CAP vcv1 after 3 days of steeping lol (I know I lost most people there). I also like knowing how different flavors interact, and after years of vaping fresh juices I can try a new mix fresh and have a good idea how it will turn out once steeped.


Sounds good to me too.


Depending on if I’m mixing often I really like to leave my juice steep well or try to. Custards I’ll vape at about 3.5-4 weeks, I like to leave bakery/crusts for like 20 days, Creams/ice Cream maybe 2 + weeks, fruits I’ll vape straight away if I have to but I like to leave them for at least 7 days, Candy’s 2 weeks.
I really like when I keep up with my mixing and I just leave things long steep, I’ve taken on a new principle/or trying too, that I want juice to really hold up if a recipe falls over to quick or losses flavour I’m just not interested in that.


Today I was looking in my cabinet for some juice because I have not took the time to make any, and found some made 3/18, it is delish, I was totally surprised, I still have a bunch of 30ml in there, don’t know what they will be like, but I lucked up on this one !! I normally like my juice 3-10 days out, and have it finished within 30 days. Some juices I like to vape from the get go to taste the changes each day brings.


I talked with a professional mixer (who produce for sale in stores etc). He said nothing left his production that had not steeped at least 12 weeks.


The problem I find mixing large volumes is that then you cannot play mixing other things so much (unless you want to store litres of mixes). I am always trying new things, meaning that my stock of “steeping” juices is always increasing… thankfully those are mostly 30ml bottles.

BTW, someone told me that larger volumes need longer steeps.


I have to make a huge batch of juice to steep or else I cant wait because I want it right then and there.


Very high RPM magnetic stirrer = maximum one hour. A vape-head scientist on reddit made a juice, split into two portions. One was mag-stirred like I do it. The other steeped for 30 days. He performed Gas Chromatography /Mass Spectroscopy, The two mixes were identical.
(I’ll dig up the link if anyone is interested)

Glycerine is the only reason any prolonged stirring or steeping is even needed. In other culinary or perfumery crafts/sciences There would be other options such as heating, boiling, distilling, But Glycerine pretty much removes all those options. But ohh boy it sure makes a lot of pretend smoke!


It doesnt remove the option of heating to a certain temp


Agreed. I use glycerine as an oil bath for distillations and reactions below 150C. Within a day or so it turns dark orange, and oh man does it fume at 150… Definitely a sweet fuming, haha(straight glycerine is a natural sugar substitute