@Letitia I’ll be VERY curious to hear what you think about the Lulo. I, like you, can’t do the cactus. I really got INTO the Lulo, making fo sho, that I wasn’t getting ANY cactus, and I didn’t. I can’t think of a better way to explain it, than an almost juicy celery type note.
I have about 500 flavors and I use um,
besides my ADV, I usually have at least 6 others wicked up. I try to test at least one new recipe a day and have 72 new mixes steeping atm, with about 300 in queue to be mixed….
@Letitia I get it. You can’t order just one. It’s like potato chips. You can’t eat just one. I run into the same thing when I order traditional shaving stuff. I may only need one thing, but somehow my cart ends up with WAY more than one thing. I justify it to get free shipping. And even if they advertise free shipping as a special, it just feels wrong to have one item in an order. That poor thing would be lonely during transit. So I feel obligated to order more than one item.
Thanks, bro. I totally don’t remember that. It could be because I stopped even considering their flavors when they started doing all the weird shit but some of these recipes look good.