How many mg must be in a liquid that it is like an cigarette

I want to know, if you know, how many mg Nicotine must be in 1 ml that the power is like that from a cigarette (…The smoke of this cigarette has 0,5 or 0,8mg Nicotin…)

Can you help me?

Please is is very importent for me, because in the morning or during the day i must smoke cigaretts to get the ‘flusch’ - particularly in the morning

Cincierly yours

MUC-Smoker franco riviello

It’s hard to say because diff cigs have their own nic content, and finding accurate info on this is nearly impossible. Also it depends on the wattage/coil resistance you’re using. This changes the concentration of nic you’re inhaling. If you’re finding you need cigs because vaping isn’t satisfying the nic craving, knowing how much nic is in cigs won’t help bc it doesn’t translate to vaping very well. Focus on how powerful your vaporizer is. I would say start at 6mg nic if your vaporizer’s coil is less than 1 ohm. What wattage/coil resistance are you using?


I’m using 12mg/ml in my ejuice because of earlier research, and it feels about right.
some listings of cigarettes are available on the net including
and there is some interesting reading in ecig forum at
I am sure I may be a little high at 12mg/ml and after some vapes the effect diminishes. A good point here also is the vape does not have the tar like in a cigg so imo vape is much safer.

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18 to 24 mg for full flavor/non filters

12 to 18 for lights

9 to 12 for ultra lights

Or so I was told many moons ago when I started vaping.


Be sure to recognize the effects of getting too much nicotine - headaches, nausea, jitters (like shaking hands or legs) - or, from Wikipedia, “nausea and vomiting, excessive salivation, abdominal pain, pallor, sweating, hypertension, tachycardia, ataxia, tremor, headache, dizziness, muscle fasciculations, and seizures.”

Also note that a couple of these are also signs of nicotine withdrawal. From WebMD: “Headache, nausea, Constipation or diarrhea, Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia, Irritability, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Depressed mood.”

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That’s what I also heard, and yes…many many moons ago! :wink:

To original poster, @MUC-smoker, it will really help us to know what vaping equipment you are using as it can greatly affect the “feel” you get from vaping as compared to smoking. What is your tank/cartomizer/dripper setup and what mod/device are you using it on? What is the ohm rating are you vaping at and at what wattage level?


This is pretty much what I was told as well. I started at 12mg and my husband started at 18mg, quickly dropping to 12. That was enough to give us that first cig of the morning buzz feeling and satisfy cravings throughout the day. At that time we were both using EgoOnes with .5 ohm coils. Hope that helps!

I started at 24 nic. Got off cigs and slowly went down on nic now 6nic. Tried like hell to go lower. Nope body says six and who am I to complain. Body wants what the body wants.
I would have stayed at 24 nic but started to really taste nic, taste like black pepper. So went down.

Good luck, happy vaping.

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That’s part of the problem with tobacco companies. What they put in it is a “trade” secret. They dont have to tell anyone whats in it so you have no idea how to cure your addiction.

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If you are using sub-ohm ecigs, you will need to keep your nic content low. Like 3 to 6 MG. If you are using coils above 1.8 ohm you will likely need to start at 12 MG.

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When I started vaping to seriously quit, I was only using a Ego style EVOD2 with a Vision Spinner 650. Needless to say, it was a pretty weak set up. BUT, it worked well enough to keep me off the analogs. I used 18-24mg strength with that set up, at 1.5 Ohm. When I went sub-Ohm, I lowered to 12 to start, with a 0.5 Ohm set up, then when I upgraded my set-up to Aromamizer, I found 0.3Ohm is my sweet spot at roughly 54watt… I went to 3MG strength. I also have an Ego AIO, stock coil is 0.6, and now use the 0.5 Cubis coils with it, Instead of jumping back to 12mg like my last 0.5 ohm set-up, I opted to vape at 6MG with this, and so far it has been okay. I still get SOME* cig cravings and withdrawls, even a couple months later… but I feel like I shouldn’t attribute that to the Nic, I have a feeling that is from the other 3000 chemicals my body is no longer getting as it was from analogs. I am nobody special, just sharing my personal quiting experience over the last couple months. Been analog free since Valentine’s Day this year.

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I remember looking it up a couple of years back when I quit. I was a Camel Light smoker at the time and they were 12’s. Unfortunately I don’t remember where I found the data sheet but it had all the major brands broken down. Started with 12’s at 50/50 and have cut that down to 6 max VG as the throat hit started to become annoyingly harsh over time.

Yup. Everybody said it. 24 to 12’ish mg of nic per cig.

Just like on our devices and style of vape. To compare a cig to a vape is based on equipment, power, style, and ect.

In the olden days ppl would recommend for most 18mg nic for an ego/vision spinner type deal. And lots at 24mg. Now that ppl are getting hip to higher power devices those start points can vary between device. Person to person.

That is the one benefit of a reputable vape shop. Getting the right setup. The downside that I ran into was low quality,…misslabeled nic levels and poor feedback when questioning the shop and manufacturer. Seriously…first bottle at 8mg nic was actually a zero since the step down of 6mg nic made me light headed. I would have also purchased a box mod if I knew how much better they were…but the guy (in 2015) said they were for hobby’sts and hardcore vapers. Needless to say, eventually changed out my vape shop and shortly moved to online buying/forums and DIY ejuice. Now finally building my own decks.