@Aphonic you will get quite a few responses to this one. An NO ONE can tell YOU what is “safe”, BUT, I can share my story.
In the beginning, I specifically tried to avoid DAAP, Diketones, and used many of the V.2’s, or DX versions of flavors. Ran like that for a while, but started doing research, Most of it centered around diacetyl, as it was ALL the buzz a while back. You remember, “If you vape any D, you’ll GET popcorn lung”, right ?
Well, what I found was almost COMICAL if it wasn’t so true, AND, the fact that soo many of us had been intentionally MISLEAD.
In the study, Allen et al. found that the average diacetyl content of the products tested was 9.0 micrograms per e-cigarette cartridge. Assuming that a vaper uses one cartridge per day, the average daily inhaled dose of diacetyl associated with vaping is therefore 9.0 micrograms.
Fujioka and Shibamoto conducted a study to measure the diacetyl exposure from active smoking. They found that the average diacetyl content of the cigarettes tested was 335.9 micrograms per cigarette. Assuming that a smoker consumes one pack per day (20 cigarettes), the average daily inhaled does of diacetyl associated with smoking is therefore 6718 micrograms.
Table 1. Average inhaled daily diacetyl dose associated with smoking vs. vaping
Vaping: 9 micrograms
Smoking: 6718 micrograms
Daily exposure to diacetyl from smoking is therefore 750 times higher, on average, than exposure to diacetyl from vaping.
WAIT A MINUTE. There’s 750 times MORE D, in cigarettes than in vaping ?? WHUT ?? !!! I don’t remember hearing THAT FACT on the news stories. Hmmmmm, interesting. They kept warning me that if I vaped D, I would SURELY get Popcorn Lung.
If there’s 750 times MORE in cigarettes, then OBVIOUSLY, EVERYONE who smokes would get popcorn lung, right ??
Ummmm, no.
SO, moving on, I decided for myself, it was a lot of CRAP that was being thrown at vapers, and as part of a misinformation campaign.
- Does this mean Vaping is completely safe ? No.
- Does this mean Vaping is probably hundreds (actually much higher), safer than smoking ? Yes.
- Would it be safer, healthier to not smoke OR vape ?? Yes.
I now choose whatever flavors I want, and do so with a clean conscience.