How much Eliquid do you make/keep at all times?

I normally mix around 500ml per month and this lasts the two of us a month.
If I am expecting new flavours in, I will mix an extra 500mls of base, use this for SFT’s and anything that needs a long steep and the rest I keep for the next “monthly mix”.

I have only just really started to appreciate the benefit of steeping for longer, thanks to the Medicine Flower!

Today I am mixing 760mls, which is my biggest ever mix :smile:

Me too! I will mix a little of a bad mix with something better just to use it up over time.

Just one I tipped out- it was Sarsparilla but it had wintergreen in it and I could not get past it, :face_vomiting: kept it for a year before I “sinked” it.


I currently have 16 mixes that I “stock”. I make 125ml batches. I can have up to 2 liters on hand.


:astonished: :dizzy_face: Wow, thats impressive


If I have a good recipe that takes a bit to steep, I automatically make a 500 ml batch. I have a Smoky Blue recipe that I made 500 mls of and its 6 months old and about half full. I keep it in a dark cabinet and it tastes just as good as it did when I first made it. I’d like to think of it as a fine wine, most of my 500 ml batches get better with age.


Beautimus! =D
Amazing how some change over the course of time. (Assuming you watch/sample along the way. Hard part is to remember to ‘budget for’ samples. Not to mention, even harder to stay out of it as it turns into a mix you really like. lol)


I almost always mix new recipes at 30ml, so I can do exactly that, plus if we happen to run a bit short, we have a stash to go to.
I started with 10ml but they don’t go far between two of us for testing (we “tank test” no rda yet).
I only do 10’s now to use up left-over premix at the end of the batch.

I think hubby gets sick of me asking “what did you think of this”, “what could you taste” :laughing:


:astonished: :laughing: I was thinking today “hmmm, maybe I should make this 100ml?”


About 500ml, 10 x50 ml bottles. Have cut down to about 25 recipes now, to cut down on overstocking concentrates.


I have a real problem with mixing too much. Would average 8 x 30 mls a week and only vape 10-15ml a day.
So I have juice all over the place, no way I can vape it all. :crazy_face:


Oh my gosh!!! which recipe @Deerslayer?? :smiley: lol


I mix about 1440 MLS at a time. Once I get down to 360 MLS I mix another 960 so I try to keep enough to last me 2 months.

However I almost always make new recipes. I think I’m up to over 120 on this site.


Sucker Punch.


I love that one too @Deerslayer… I keep a 4oz of that… but I also sub the lemon with pineapple and jack fruit to change it up every now and then! Im on a kiwi kick atm :stuck_out_tongue:


All subbed with FLV I presume?


lmao… no subs… just all flv :stuck_out_tongue:


I go through 15-20 mls a day and keep roughly a liter on the shelf which keeps my steeping at about 2 months. Or three.


I meant when you sub the lemon with pineapple and jack fruit that those are all FLV.


Yes those are all flv :wink:


I keep at least a 1000mls in my steep drawer at all times my regular rotation and new mixes I want to try. I’ve never had any go bad I vape about 20-30ml a day and there is always some for friends who are having a tough time of it. I have found lost juices in the back of my drawer over a year old and the vape was better than a normal steeped juice so I wouldn’t worry about not being able to vape it and waste it.


I know a lot of my mixes take time to steep so I have been known to make about 3000ml all 60ml bottles at a time. The reason for that is my flavor profile changes on a dime and I like a ton of different mixes in a given day. I have been known to vape about 4 different recipes in a day. Also depends if I am drinking or not to what I am vaping. I know a nice Raspberry Cream Pipe NET comes in clutch for bourbon. Same with a cinnamon cream vape. I also tend to go for some NETS when drinking as well.