How much pure nicotine do I need?

How much pure nic do I need for my 30ml bottle to get it 12mg?

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okay so the simple answer to this is… you don’t.
Firstly WEAR GLOVES, Apron, Splash guard etc… Pure Nicotine can KILL you with even skin contact!
you should dilute the Pure nicotine to a more manageable and safe strength before mixing into your ejuice.
choose your dilutant (PG, VG or both)
now it is a simple matter of %. for the purpose of this lets say you want 60mg strength to use when mixing,
60mg strength would mean 6% nicotine diluted with 94% pg/vg solution.

once you have your diluted nicotine, you can simply use the calculator on ELR with the strength set to the level you just diluted to, as normal.

This forum thread I found details it more…


By pure nic do you mean 100mg/ml or 1000mg/ml?


if they are referring to that, then they should be aware that is actually only 10% (and still even at that, dangerous to work with, if not careful)


If it is 100mg/ml you need 3.6 ml to get your 30 ml to 12mg/ml. I wouldn’t recommend using 1000mg/ml :sweat:


Just a tiny bit like everyone is saying you are working with 10000mg.

Yup. Cause for concern if you are working with this type or nic rather than the 100mg nic concentrate.

I would highly highly recommend learning how to use an ejuice calculator. And then double check the math of that.

I love everybody here and trust many with their recomendations. But if you are working with 1000mg nic one slight error can make your self and someone super duper sick. I would only trust myself on that one.

Let us know which nic you are using. Then if it is 1000mg. Yup. Someone can point you in the right direction of how to dilute 1000mg down to 100mg down to 12mg.

If a person is using 1000 nic and does not have a lab with the knowledge to use it .NOT A GOOD AT ALL I will not mess with it OK I believe the question posted. How much PURE nic do I need . Nic pure is a very miss leading statement in the first place a nic base as I like to call it can range from from 1% to 998 % and be called pure nic. so to properly answer the ? My base nic I use is 100 nic witch is 10% nic once I know what my base is then I need to figure out how much of my base to use it will be some were between 3 nic to 24 when i mix my juice again depends on many factors using a dripper at 80 Watts my nic will be about 6 for myself now if I’m using a small tank at 15 watts I might be running 12 nic there are many good juice calculators available online for free that’s the first thing to get and then to find out what nic base you’re working with.and keep asking questions