How much will It cost to make this recipe

Hi guys how much will coast to me if I diy this recipe?
Flavours coast £2 /vg and pg 500ml coast £10/nicotine 100ml £7. I diy this recipe smell and taste amazing but I just want to learn this recipe price my friends want this liquid that is why I want to learn price

Best Regards

If you go to your flavor stash there’s an area to enter the size and price for each flavor.
Then if you go to the “user” drop down menu and select “preferences” you can enter in the size and cost of your nicotine, vg, and pg.
If you do that it will calculate the cost of your recipe at the bottom where it says “price”.


Thank you so much a pet mama


No prob. :+1:


Just as an FYI…
CAP, TPA and FW are the cheapest flavors for me to buy. They cost me about £1.65 to £2.25 for 10ml bottles. FA will set me back £2.88 for a 10ml bottle.

But when I compare the price of the average e-liquid made with CAP/TPA/FW, it costs me on average 60%-70% more than juices made with FA. The first brands are a lot more diluted so you will need a lot more flavoring and flavoring is still the most expensive ingredient in e-liquids.

Most of my juices average between £0.85 to £1.45 for 30ml bottles. Compared to store bought liquids, they will set me back £15-£30 for 30ml.

So however you look at it, a DIY juice will cost you a maximum of 10% of what you’d pay in a store, and more often just a fraction of it.

That price includes the PG/VG/nic/flavoring and excludes bottles/scale/syringes/labels and cleaning products for your tools. If you buy store bought liquids, they usually include bottles that you can re-use.

Even though I never do, you should also always wear gloves when working with nicotine for basic safety. Nicotine in high strengths is seriously poisonous and can even be lethal. Even small drops can and will be absorbed through your skin.


Thank you so much for your information. Yes you right that I notice I saved a lot money science I start to diy my own e liquids they also premium quality I can say so


Also if you buy your flavors from, don’t forget to use the reduction code AAEC for a 10% discount :wink:


ok, dumb question time. How can you enter the costs of the Nicotine Juice, PG and VG so it gives you an accurate “cost to make”? I’ve already figured out how to do this with the flavorings themselves, but how about the bases (top three with the green, orange, and red boxes)?


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nevermind, poking around more, I found it… Look under User > Preferences