How the best method to mix 2 different layer

is it true if i want to make 2 different layers have to separate the sense ?? I made 60ml with strawberry yogurt flavor. 50% pg i mix with strawberry and the remaining 50% i mix with yogurt? we’ve mixed the new I put the two flavors in one place, then I mix again? can anyone help me with this method or any other ideas?


So sorry but I think language is a bit of a barrier here.
I think what you are saying is :
you made 60 ml strawberry/yogurt juice.
first you mixed half of it (30 ml) with strawberry flavor and seperately mixed the other 30 ml with yogurt flavor.
gave them both a good shake and then put them together to have this 60 ml mix?


I think that’s what he (she)means.

I suppose you can do it that way but it’s a bit of a roundabout way to mix. Most people will just use the flavours they want to mix in one bottle.
Two flavours is doable but what are you going to do if a recipe calls for 8 flavours?
Also your percentage will be off unless you mix each flavour at the same percentage. But if you want a mix with for instance 8% strawberry and 2% yoghurt mixing them separately and then putting them together will throw your percentage way off.


You will have to double each flavour percentage to get to 8 and 2 in the final mix. Again, with 2 flavours that’s doable but it will get really complicated with more flavours. I foresee a gigantic headache.


You can mix them in one bottle, if I understand you correctly. No need to mix 2 bottles then put together.

If you want to sense the two flavors as separate layers, you need to find the percentage of each flavor that gives you the best result.

Just as example, you can try 4% Strawberry 3% Yogurt. If the result is not satisfying, try 4%Yogurt and 3% Strawberry next time. If still not satisfied try 2% Yogurt and 5% Strawberry or 5% Yogurt and 2% Strawberry. Until you like the result. (I’m making the % just as examples, I dont know what flavors you are using, or what percentage you should try).

I hope this answers the question!


Just search for the flavours you have here,

It will tell you the percentage people use on average when used as a single flavour and in a mix.
Some flavours are way stronger than others and putting them together at the same percentage will not work.
Make some small bottles of each flavour you have and try them as a single flavour to get a sense of the flavour and how strong they are. It is a boring job but it will help you in the long run.


Try each bottle after a good shake and then let them steep for a few days. Then taste them again and keep repeating this proces. This way you will also get an idea what your flavors do over a period of time. Some flavors need a few weeks to blossom and others will get weaker in taste. If you use a mix of these two examples it could be beneficial to first make a bottle with the flavor that needs steeping and then after a few weeks you put in the flavor that fades. This way you will be getting both flavors tasting at their best. Now keep in mind that I’m not a highly skilled mixer and I’l still in the learning proces myself. DIY is fun but it has a learning curve so keep at it, experiment as much as you can and finally it will all start to make more sence. Educate yourself by reading a lot of threads here on the forum and learn from what experienced mixers tell you. Have fun on your mixing journey. Oh by the way, did I mention reading a lot?


Besides reading a lot, try a lot as well, try different methods and products and see what works best for you.
Different people like different things, different people have different methods of getting to a similar result.
For example the steeping process, some people mix and put their juices away for weeks/months after a simple shake. Others might put them in a crockpot for a few hours or even a microwave for a couple seconds. Others use a frother, a magnetic mixer and even homogenizers.
If you have questions about a certain method, I’d advise you to mix up different bottles of the same juice and use the different methods on different bottles. Then after a steep you try both juices and see which method gives you the best result or what’s most convenient for you to do if there is little difference in the results.


yeah like that

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Thanks,i’m use sweet strawberry cap and ripe strawberry tfa.
yeah,i’m gonna try all the method to find the best taste…

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Lol,you write down like do a homework sir… But this is the best motivation for me. yeah,i’ll do anything to get the best way and the best taste for it.
my recipe is
5% ripe strawberry tfa
4% sweet strawberry cap
3% Yoghurt Tfa
2% Bavarian cream
1% Marshmellow
and still thinking what i need to give a smooth and sour to find something creamy and acid on it…

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yes! this is what i want to do,but,it’s a boring to wash the tools every Hour. usually i mix pg with the body for an hour,then give the 2nd flavour and mix for 30minutes,and 3rd for 30min and 4th for 30min. not sure this is a good or a bad idea and wasting time. But my intuition said if this is a good mixing i guess :joy:

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First of all, get yourself a scale and stop working with syringes. That way you don’t have a whole set of dishes to do every time you want to shake :wink:

I really see no added value in your mixing method, you can just throw everything together first time and give it a good mix.
Something that could probably make a difference, is it you mix a certain part, e.g. the creams in your mix, let that steep for a week or 2, and then add the remaining fruity flavors.


Loud and clear sir! i’ll try it next week. still waiting the rest of my flavour coming.
try to mix my creamy base first then put a fruity after step for a week. never think about it before. thank you so much for the information…