How to get best flavor from Griffin rta on rx200

The Griffin 25 has been my goto RTA since I received it. That 17mm build deck allows for some really big builds and tons of flavor.

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Personally for flavor i like smoktech TFV4 RTA. I love my griffin but im having a hard time building the coils to my liking (tho ive only had ot for 24 hrs) but still frustrating. I bought the smok h-priv which came with the micro tfv4 and i must say i was extreamly impressed with the coulds and flavor i got from it especially since its not rebuildable. Also the ares from sigeli has a really good flavor with the ni200 atty. Just MY persobal opinion

The TFV4 Micro is rebuildable if you have either the Micro RCA head or the Micro R2 RBA head. I have the Micro RCA head it’s a single coil rebuilable, So far it has been fantastic and easy to wick with out dry hit’s.

You can buy them here or about any where. RCA head

R2 RBA head

I’m loving my Billow v3 plus. Pretty similar to the griffin 25 in design, but I haven’t used that one so can’t compare them.
The Billow is almost on par with my Velocity RDA, which is the most flavorful vape I own so far when using dual fused claptons. I also have the Goblin mini v2, Kayfun mini v3, Kennedy 24 and a Twisted messes v2.

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I’ve had the Griffin 22 since it came out i used Kanthal A1 24 AWG Clapton coils 6 wraps on a 3mm pin on my AV Lyfe Able with good flavor. I just picked up the Griffin 25 but i’ve been making my own coils out 24AWG Kanthal A1 i take a piece 24" long bend it in half put one end in my drill and use a 3mm pin to hold other end and use the drill to twist the wire try not to over twist the wire, then i do 5 wraps on a 3mm pin i get .190 ohm build with dual coils and great flavor it gets better with more wraps. use this setup on my AV Lyfe Able and on my Kooper Plus. please message me if you have an questions…

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@felicia get that figured out? Is it the 22 or 25? Two different build decks. I have the 22 and you have to keep the coils the width of the air flow holes …there’s not much extra space (wicks)

I’m pretty happy with my griffin 22. I run prebuilt clapton wire at 3-3.5mm 5-7 wraps normally .3-.5ohms. I’m pretty happy with the flavour, I do tend to have a few problems with dry hits. No matter how much I thin out the wicks it never seems to keep up with my chain vaping.

edit: running on the rx200s at 50-70w

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The Griffin 25 addresses that issue with larger juice holes and more room between the glass and deck area. The only time I get dry hits is when I forget to notice that my tank is empty or I forgot to reopen the juice flow after filling which I hate to admit happens quite frequently.

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@Ghettotrout I have a Griffin 22. I bought the top airlow update (parts) which is awesome. Sometimes if I’m hitting it hard I release the air pressure and give it a little burp by unscrewing the top fill ring and watch the air bubbles rise and close it back up after 2 seconds …back in bidness

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Built correctly they will all do well. I find the Griffin 25 to be the most versitale. Advanced tanks Require advanced build technique to get the best results. With that said, if you know what you’re doing it will out preform all of the above listed. Take you’re time I’ve posted a pic on this thread to show an example of how premium flavor + production using the standard Griffin 25. Have fun!!

The link to your photo isn’t working at all. At least not for me.

The photo doesn’t show up for me either.

I have the griffin 25. Got to say it’s amazing!! I am running dual prebuilt clapton and triple twisted kanthal side by side 3mm 3 wraps came out at 0.15ohm. Ramp up time is a little slow unless you crank it up, I’m on 80W and it’s amazing loads of vapour and nice heat and tones of flavour just make sure the wicking is good tight through the coils and thinned at the ends for the channels.

Griffin 25 is one of my top favorites and always in active rotation.
my flavor builds are dual
2-strand twisted 28gauge SS316L (simple)
clapton 28/34 SS316 (if i have time to make the wire)

here are the tips i learnt to get more flavor
ID 2.5 or less
number of wraps proportional to ID for juice to wick. coil shouldn’t look like a long tube… i stay within 7 or 8 wraps max
wicking is so important, the wick outside the coil is almost 50% - drops only to half the juice channel - too much wick it won’t wick well and mutes flavor (or worse, burnt hits) - the trick i use is after putting the wick inside coil, i wet with juice, then shape and cut the outsides the size and shape i want, then insert into juice channel - this way you have much more control of how much wick fills the juice channel. works every time. also watch Advanced Vapor on YT, he has a good video on Griffin wicking.

hope this helps you. as mentioned above, what gives me great flavor won’t be necessarily the same for others. cheers,

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I bought the new top airflow griffin and use SS fused Clapton wire in TCR mode . I had a dual coil set up reading .1 ohms and had a problem with the rx 200 reverting to vv/vw mode till I found a post on the factory specs for temp in ss mode to be a max 200. I was trying it at 350 . I was getting good flavor for 3 days after setting the temp to 190 and it was staying in TCR mode . Today it was showing a shorted coil , I took out one coil and am running it in single coil with the Griffin factory SS fused Clapton wire 6 wraps on a 2mm rod . I was looking for others using the Factory fused Clapton wire to find out if the wire changed resistance after use , there where no shorts . I am getting better flavor with the provided silicone insert and option to run a single coil . Which to me does not make sense , why would I get better flavor and clouds on a single coil over a dual coil , still in Temp control mode with the single coil and the insert , good flavor and clouds . Please provide any ideas and comments , thanks.

I run a Griffin 25 single Claptop coil (0.4ohm) build like so:

Top Airflow: OFF
Bottom Airflow: Half Open

I vape it at 30W, the trick for flavour on this build is to fire the button for half a second then begin to inhale, slow and steady for 2-3 seconds gives me great flavour + vapor.

If i take a hard hit on it i get too much air and it mutes the flavour.

Note: My mod is my restriction right now otherwise i would run a dual build at 40-50w

here is the link I found for the factory temp settings for the wire types

The interesting thing I have found is that single micro coils actually produce the best flavor. It seems you have to sacrifice clouds for taste. Go figure.

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are these F or C settings?

also an observation for custom coils, your coil “design” need to be proportional to the chamber size for any tank. if your coils are too large or too small for a certain chamber size (it’s actually about the heat capacity and heat flux - see ) you won’t get the ideal experience, and you may actually get vape that’s too hot or muted. this doesn’t have to do only with size (like ID, gauge and # wraps), but the coil material too - as SS for example, ramps up faster and has higher heat flux than Kanthal or Ni80

if you need to really control your vaping experience, you need to make observations about different size coils you use (similar to what we do with juice recipes) and find your sweet spot - in terms of how hot you like your vaping (heat flux) - use steam engine to find what’s your spot and create coils that come close to that… not too much heat and not too “cold” with a lot of ramp up time, in the first case, you feel you get too hot of a vape and can’t find that “sweet spot”, even with TC. and with the 2nd, you run out of breath before the coils gives you flavor.

Airflow is not good for flavor. in my G25, i close the top airflow completely, and the bottom airflow is on 3rd tick from closed. barely open beyond the “:whistling” point - i hate it when they whistle :slight_smile:

it seems to me you have too much heat in there now for your preference. start simple and move from there. dual single-strand 8 or so wraps SS 26 gauge is a classic start, then move from there with a twisted or a clapton until you find your preference. try not to take someone else preference as we all vape differently. i tried a dual dual-core fused clapton, very popular and fancy and vapes like a train, removed it after 5 toots or so, too hot - that’s totally not me :slight_smile:
good luck finding your sweet spot - you have a great tank and you’re on the right track,

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