As title says
i am fed up with that category
Especially with all these outdated headlines.
Sry 4 being neg…
Any advice?
As title says
i am fed up with that category
Especially with all these outdated headlines.
Sry 4 being neg…
Any advice?
You can click the overall category - vendors (
Then on top to the right, next to create new topic, click the circle and Mark mute.
Then you only have to go to latest, open these topics, so they get removed from there if you choose, but it’s not mandatory. From then on, you should not see them in your feed anymore. I believe at least that this how it works, if not ignore my post
You could mute tracking for each vendor and wont show up even in “latest” but I dont see a way to global mute all vendor posts which would be nice for you. I enjoy reading vendors new products and deals but i also am lately annoyed by brand new posts some are creating versus continuing the same.
THX, problem solved
stupid me
Got to the stage where I am going to have to do this. It is getting too much fo me and my enjoyment of this site.
Last visited 4 hours ago 10 new posts 8 of them vendors posts.
I thought it was good to keep some vendor threads. like NR and the flavoring stuff and the give-aways. It took some time at first - but now the spam threads don’t show up. It is nicer having those muted.
I feel the same. I do appreciate that many of the vendors do put themselves out to add useful content to the site, eg product reviews, competions, and - most of all- answering members’ questions about their products. Wouldn’t want to discourage any of this, but it’s getting way too much.
Besides, this site us about mixing , isn’t it? and most of these are hardware vendors. Yes, i know, we all want gardware, but the main focus of the site should be mixing, shouldn’t it? and mixiing has now been thoroughly sidleined by hardware- mostly because of these vendors’ threads.
BTW, a somewhat trivial request, perhaps: but could the vendors’ forum possibly be excluded from the reading requirement to get the " regular" badge? @daath I ask because IIRC. you’re required to read quite a substantial proportion of the new threads on ELR to get that badge, and, the way things are going, those of us who ignore the vendor’s section are likely to be - unfairly- excluded.
I say “trivial” , because it’s far too easy to lose your "regular badge ", anyway, IMO. i recently lost it mine, through taking a bit of a break, but that’s no biggie, because too many of people that i like and respect had already lost theirs the same way. The result is that any converstion in the “lounge” tends to exclude a lot of the pepople one would most like to talk to! Still, no reason to make matters worse.
Yes, at its’ core it is. And I know I pick on you, but I’m not intending to. Especially because I agree about the massive vendor chatter. No offense, vendors.
It’s a mixing site, but not a cake mixing site, or a cement mixing site. What’s the good of mixing juice without having gear to vape with? Hardware talk is just fine with me, and probably most of us too. But at least we can exclude some sub-forums from displaying to us. Friendly to you @jay210. I do exclude the vendor parts, but enjoy the hardware talks and reviews.
i think maybe you read my posts a bit too fast, Phil
I mean we agree entirely, so far as i can make out. Heck, I even said that the vendors’ reviews (which are almost exclusively hardware reviews, haven’t you noticed? ) add useful content to the site. I even read them on occasion.
I’m only attempting to draw the line at the current situation where hardware reviews, hardware giveaways, special offers on hardware etc are taking up so much of the forum that it’s becoming hard to spot any mixing threads amongst the new threads (that’s what i meant by “sidelined”)…unless you mute the vendors forum , ofc.
I didn’t say it explicitly, but I really miss Walt from RF posting here, and I wonder why the heck we don’t get more flavour houses posting in the vendors forum? And why they’re never half so active as Heaven’s Deluge? That might actually tempt me to keep the vendors’ forum unmuted.
I’ve no problem whatsoever with other members chatting about hardware. It most certainly has a place here. And it’s not the members who are getting it out-of-proportion. It’s the freaking vendors, like I said.