My old man vapes on high mg liquids and he has asked me to make him some high nic Heisenberg for him. i’ve made plenty of Heisenberg before at 3mg but I cant seem to get the calculator to work when selecting required strength as 18mg.
Anyone got any solutions they might like to share? i’m looking to make a litres worth for him.
If your nic base is 18mg it’s impossible to make a juice that comes out to 18mg unless you vape the unflavored nic base, because when you add flavoring it gets diluted depending on the percentage of flavoring that you add.
I calculated it for you, the highest nic juice you can use with 10% flavoring is 15mg
At 15% flavoring 13mg
Your nicotine is 80/20 and you’re using 15% flavours so you’ll never get it at 70/30. 65/35 is what you’re going to get.
If the calculator is a pain, just check the max VG box.
Your nicotine strength will be less than 18%. Thank the TPD for making things difficult
Ok so as far as i understand i cant get the mix i need with 18mg nicotine…? and as far as im aware its illegal for anywhere to sell nicotine of a higher strength than that or am I wrong?
There are still plenty of sites in the UK that sell high concentrate nicotine, exploiting different loop holes in the law. A quick google fu should give some results.
Apart from that not all countries in the EU has fully implemented the TPD, and as far as I know it is completely legal to buy the nicotine in another EU country and have it shipped to the UK. Pink Mule in Spain for example still sell 100mg and will ship to most places in the EU.