How to store?

So the TPD is kicking in for real in January and I would like to stock up on nic.
I was thinking of buying 100mg/ml VG.

Can I store this in my freezer?

Great question. Yes.

Here is all the information you need.


Thx :):grin:

You welcome. I admit that running a search can be challenging when your not sure about what the best keyword to use. Like searching for info on mixers. The better term may be mag rather than mixer…since I am a mixer. :rofl::man_facepalming:


Pink Floyd voice screams in – “WE DON’T NEED NO… OXIDATION…”

Cue awesome guitar: brow brow brow ……

Pink Floyd voice screams in – “WE DON’T NEED NO LIGHT FSHO……….”

Cue awesome guitar: brow brow brow ……

Everyone’s voice screams in – “Just put your nic behind that, LOCKED freezer wall.”

Here’s a few links about nicotine