Well…I like him a lot…I mean Love is such a strong word you know…I can’t just throw it round all willy nilly…
Oh come on, you know you love him.
unadulterated Inappropriate sexual lust is not love…I like to separate the two…
You know, since you’re talking about giving away stuff, I’d say do what you want to. You have no obligation to give anyone anything, right?
But, when I started vaping I didn’t know if I was going to quit smoking. I’d tried before, even quit for a while before, but I’d always started smoking again. I was trying it out to see how it felt. When you’re a smoker, talking about quitting is a pretty big deal, and I think for a lot of people it’s a lot easier to just “try vaping” than it is to talk directly about quitting. Some people who try vaping will quit. Some won’t. Some will quit close to immediately. Some will quit over time, sometimes a lot of time.
If you quit immediately when you started vaping, great, good for you. If you don’t want to give equipment or juice to people who still smoke that’s absolutely your prerogative. But, while I don’t mean to be rude, I’m guessing that you did smoke for a while, and that a lot of people who never smoked, or who smoked and quit effortlessly (some people do,) judged you pretty harshly when you were smoking. Just some food for thought.
My personal experience with this is this.
There is a guy I work with and a few months ago he told me he really wanted/needed to quit smoking. We talked about it a couple times and I decided to set him up with everything he needed to start vaping, even to the point that I would keep him supplied with juice whenever he wanted. This went on for about a month then one day I noticed he was smoking again. I never said anything about it, I just thought to myself “Well that’s his choice” and let it go at that. A couple months go by and the conversation comes up again. “I really need to quit smoking”. I asked him then, “Why did you quit vaping?”. He told me his tank started leaking. Ok I said, I’ll get you a new/better tank.Which I did, and again set him up with all the juice he would need as well as coils for the tank. All of this was free to him, he spent ZERO dollars on any of this. I didn’t even charge him for counseling
That was 2 months ago, and guess what. He’s smoking again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Fuck off.
That’s what I don’t do. I make sure to let them know there is a cost involved. Unless I have some old equipment I don’t need I’ll let them know I can get a starter vape kit for cheap at their expense. I always have extra juice so I don’t mind giving juice to start, but no custom mixes without cost.
At the time, he couldn’t afford any of it, he still can’t actually. He is spending a lot of his money on cigs and couldn’t and can’t stop buying cigs to save that money to buy any kind of vape gear.
His habit couldn’t afford him the gap between stopping the smokes and starting vaping.
This guy is just a kid (relatively speaking), he’s only 23. So I didn’t mind helping to prevent him from becoming a long term pack a day smoker. That is until … but I digress.
I’ve been hit up by folks like this a number of times; it has never gone well. I’ll give them my words of wisdom and what gear to purchase, but… that’s about all. Because we know the power of addiction, concerning certain substances, we also know the mindset of those addicted to certain substances.
We can wish for them a good life, otherwise… my therapist (and countless other therapists and physicians who deal with addiction) says it’s perfectly OK to write them off. Ya can’t save everybody!
[quote=“Mizzz_Z_Hobbit, post:18, topic:139124”]
Does he seem the type where, learning to vape without the pressure of “I’m QUITTING SMOKING” might gradually move him away from smoking?[/quote]
ABSOLUTELY !!! When I tried to switch, had a fresh pack (unopened) with me, and had it there JUST for emergencies, and started dripping. Kept dripping even with the cheap equipment I was using, and issues, etc., but never opened the pack. Had the pack for safety (sanity) just in case. Didn’t go into it thinking I was GOING to quit, but just to TRY, and it worked.
Nailed it again !!! Luckily for me, was able to quit (switch) with NO relapsing at all. Even after a very short while of vaping, even the SMELL of smoke started to smell bad (and I assume the taste too), so maybe there’s a tipping point where you vape JUST enough, and then analogs start to smell and taste worse, and you’re golden.
Very well stated.
The giver of wisdom, and the deliverer of harsh motivation.
Never a wrong time, to do the right thing…
Hehe, I wasn’t sure if it was going to go there, but THERE, has been brought !!!
I’m prone to help anyone that even acts a little interested, by offering advice, giving them old gear, and/or setting them up with some juice.
After having experienced what I did in my struggles to quit smoking after 40 yrs, I just can’t judge those that try. Even if they try and fail over and over. I did it myself for years before I finally had the courage (and subohm vape gear) to take the final plunge.
I’ve had similar situations with a few clients. A few have asked me to sell them equipment for the “in-between” time as we allow them to vape indoors but not smoke. If they aren’t inclined to completely quit the cigs, I’ll bring a Nautilus and a mod with me along with whatever I’m using and we’ll vape during our meeting. If they tell me they are going to quit smoking, then I’ll let them have it with the condition that they have to return it to me if they start up again so someone else can benefit from it. It’s a bit of a dangling carrot, but it’s worked three times (and failed twice). Each of the successes have upgraded their equipment and returned what I gave them (no, I didn’t ask for it back) so that I could use it for someone else. I’m happy with the results.
This is just me, but I would think that if someone gave me something to help me quit, I should put forth the extra effort to show them how grateful I was for the opportunity. An opportunity, that would not have been available unless this person had not shown such generosity in the first place.
You are a very good person! I think that is very kind and very generous! There aren’t many people in the world who would do things like this, but, I think many of them are right here on this forum! The kindness and generosity that has been shown to a newb like myself is overwhelming! Many places, in other things, new people aren’t always helped out. And here I feel so welcome. I feel like no one gets tired of me for not knowing all of the correct terms or the nicknames for things. I still have a lot to learn about vaping itself, and about mixing. And I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding! I know this has gotten off topic from where it started. But, I just wanted to thank you @TheTinMan1, for showing me one more of the many generous acts done by the good people here. And express my thanks to everyone who has welcomed and helped me!
Your thinking is flawed, in my opinion , help them by all means . Let them try your kit to gauge if the want MTL or DTL, make sure they get the right kit for them BUT let them buy it, when they have invested some of their own money there is more incentive to quit analogues
I agree. My thinking was flawed. Over the course of this thread I changed my mind and decided to help.
Yepp you nailed it on the head in my book. The bigger the wallet bite the larger the incentive to MAKE it WORK. I know that’s what brought me to ELR was the stupid prices for what I knew was just VG-PG and 50 cents worth of flavorings.
Enough trips to the local vape store and even I could see the light to say nothing of the oversweet selection of the same strawberries and cream time and again.
I’ve loaned out my early hardware, Aspire K1 and VV twist batt a couple of times on the agreement if-when you graduate to something bigger-better give it back so I can loan it again. 2 successes and 1 fail.