I am at the next level of vaping (the dark side) haha

Hi all great forum

So i started off as most people with a standard e-cig from the local totally wicked store. I wanted more
Went i to making my own juice and noticed my equipment wasnt up to the job

I purchased an aspire sub ohm battery and a kangertec pro rta and got into building coils then the trouble started lol

Seeing as i was making my own juice i decided to get a dripper (velocity clone) reccomended by rip tripper on youtube great review by the way.

After a while fell in love with the dripper and realised my battery wasnt good enough i gave my brother the kanger and battery and went to the new e cig shop in huddersfield (mega cool shop ) and about time we got a mod shop here, the guys are epic and straight forwaed friendly. The e cig shop its called

I knew before i went in i was going to end up buying something lol i walked out woth a brand new stingray mod 2x batteries and a lovely charger for it.
This was after i tried the owners box mod and set fire to his dripper as half way through i got a dry hit but didnt notice hahah flames came out ooops sorry

Now i have a right good setup i want more lol my.mates at work are jeleous so a friend went in and spent 400 on a setup lol its infectious i tell you even my brother has stepped the game up

I now have a lovely box with all my mixing kit in it and i know when i make a good flavor because the mrs always says errghhh that smells nasty hahaha she isnt a fan of custards lol

What a great world i am in i love vaping and always talking about it at work and to friends and now on here i have learned some great tips along the way and thank you all so much

Happy vaping all lol


Welcome, Dave! :smiley:

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Do not underestimate the power of the dark side


It’s great to hear stories like this. If you were vaping 7-8 years ago you would be SHOCKED how far it’s come. What used to be the standard, maybe 4-5 watts on teensie coils now just don’t seem to cut it. Vaping technology is moving at incredible speed. What’s hot today will be NOT tomorrow. Oh some things will just by nature have staying power. Many people think a carto is the only way to go, others want nothing but the mech mod and RDA. But the rest of it, the tanks, the mods, the electronics, all of it is advancing to the benefit of the user. There will always be people who think that flavor is nice, but they’d rather have a cloud. But for flavor junkies now is an incredible time. And while I’m ultra happy with temperature control, it’s only a matter of time before someone designs the next big thing, and these mods I’m so impressed with will be dinosaurs. Hang in there and enjoy the ride. It’s just getting better all the time.


Use The Force, Dave!

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