Fentanyl the ones I use are made by Mylan. The original ones are called Duragesic and are made by Janssen. They are a class 2 Narcotic opioid, They too are addictive, but if you use them as they are intended they provide the most constant even distribution of pain relief
The center littler square is the patch itself. the outer larger square is an Askena Derm patch. Mylan provides them for free if you are prescribed their patches. they cover the patch and keep it from rolling up on the edges. I’ve taken thousands of Oxycodone (percacet) and thousands of Hydrocodone (Vicodin) since my mishap. Granted on some occasions I still have to take a Vicodin for breakthrough pain, but with the patch I don’t go through the yo yo effect of them wearing off and then taking more, waiting till they take affect. It’s a nice smooth constant pain relief for thos that really need it. PM if you have more questions.
Oh yeah and ignore the ogre above the shoulder, he’s only had one cup of coffee and isn’t all the way awake yet.