I feel like i dont have enough mods

I need to get me a couple of these to use with my RTAs (I run my RDA in TC mode only but I do run some of my RTA in VW mode. Is he on your side of the pond? Shipping probably won’t be cheap for me if that is the case.

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No im UK he’s in the States, can’t recomend them enough man, everyone should have at least one of his mods they’re next level :ok_hand:


For tanks id say the Serpent mini 25 and the Obs engine RTA, both awesome

Whiterose mods are mech’s right? Does he have a website?

They use PWM boards so they have a unique form of regulation and can not be used in TC mode. No site that I am aware of but he has a huge thread on this forum.


Not sure how the volition quote popped up in there but that is the link to his thread.


You can read about his work in this thread or send him a PM @Whiterose0818


More reading and research awaits lol thanks man

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As far as custom mods go, @Whiterose0818 makes a very artistic mod to your request. They are also extremely economical for what you get and the Excellent customer service you get.

The PWM mods require some advanced knowledge to use but not like a mech mod type of knowledge. You follow the guidlines and rules of battery safety and ohms law and you have one of the best flavor,and hard hitting mods made.

You know how you take a 5-6 second hit off your Griffin and get a nice dense flavorful cloud? A 2 second hit from a whiterose makes those Griffin clouds look like childs play.


All of this^


After giving away a bunch of mods, I still have 9 that I use on a regular rotation and 4 others sitting in a drawer. There are others who make my collection look like a starter-kit. I think that the manufacturers are cranking stuff out so fast, we are constantly playing catch-up. They are also much more affordable than they were a few years ago. I remember anxiously awaiting my istick 50W (that I still use) and I paid more for then than my RX2/3 today.
I switched to vaping to extend my life and save a lot of money. So far I’ve managed to extend my life in order to spend more money.


yup I know the feeling lol so much for cost savings by vaping it still costing me money but I LOVE it!!


If you aren’t taking away from financial responsibilities I say get more mods. Birthdays, anniversaries, father’s day…any time she asks what do you want for x? I’d just email her a link to the next mod you want.

I have more than I need, but I keep them around the house so I don’t have to carry them around as much. And if you use RDA or RTAs then you get to kill a Sunday morning rebuilding them all at once. Simple pleasures! :slight_smile:


Yup that’s my standard answer now a days lol


I absolutely love this mod! I won a white one from Gearbest! It is a beautiful mod and it has worked flawlessly, although I haven’t used it that much. I checked it out for about a week and then I put it away for future use!!!


My favourite touchscreen by far, so well made


You have the disease, call a doctor.


Yep, they just fire and no nonsense. I love mine. It even plays a little tune.


The touchscreen is a bit too sensitive for me though, There have been several times where I’ve accidentally unlocked it and had an unexpected 200 watt vape!:scream: