My sisters 9 year old dog is very ill and she’s started a gofundme page for him.
I’m not asking for any money here but I would really appreciate it if people would share the link to her page on social media so more people will get to see it.
You can find her story here
There’s also a Paypal link that people could use if they are outside of the US.
I really don’t like going this route and have never done anything like this ever but it’s my sis and I want to help.
So sorry to hear, pets are like family, I have 3 cats 3dogs, 1 rooster, would hate to loose any of them, the ones I have lost I feel your pain, wish the best in recovery.
It was my sisters dog but yeah, I had 3 dogs and lost the last of the 3 just over 3 months ago and from the 7 cats I had I have 3 left. You never get used to it.