I-mix = Hangsen flavours..... percentages?

Hey @SessionDrummer, the flavours I have got are:

And they came from I-MIX Concentrates


Alright, little to NO reviews out there, but found on on the Redd, and he tested them at the higher rate of 10-15%, which seems really high for them. They MAY be diluters, and rebottlers. Most of the Hangsens are 2, 3, maybe 4%.

I don’t know how much weight to put on that 10-15% banner on that website, as it may have just been tossed up there for those flavors, OR, they may be that diluted.

Smell them in the bottle and see how strong they smell. Nothing wrong with starting at 3% and see what you think. If they are diluted, you’ll know very soon, as you would have to increase to 10%+.

Unless any of them smell really strong, like maybe the coffee, etc., starting at 2-3% would be fine for undiluted Hangsen, and see what you get.


Thanks mate, will try to get to them today and mix a couple.

Like I said previously, I have tried the cream in some"not very nice" juice but it was done very low and didn’t really help the mixes…


Well, I only have a few Hangsen’s and they are ALL creams LOL. They ARE a force to be reckoned with, and can easily overpower or flood a mix. The Italian Cream is probably the most UNIQUE that I have tried from them, followed up by the French Ice Cream, and then the Cream. I’ve OVERUSED them to my own peril before hehe, so going low is key with them.


Does the cream one lend itself to a SFT? What should I be looking for in your opinion, a flavour or a feel?


I haven’t SFT’d and Hangens yet, but creams typically are NOT exciting to solo test. Some are ehh, others are terrible, but that in no way diminishes their uses/usage in mixes. I’ve tested creams, milks, dairys and it can be hard to be objective when soloing them, as many times it’s NOT a great experience LOL.


Cool, I will give it a go in 10ml batches and see what it does. More interested to see how the banana and strawberry work. Notes for the strawberry say it is pretty good.


Wow, mixed test for cream, banana and strawberry. I don’t think they are diluted, they smell really strong from the bottle.

10ml bottles, 70vg/30pg 2mg nic.

Cream @ 0.5 and 1.0 %
Banana @ 0.5 and 1.0 %
Strawberry @ 1.0 and 2.0 %

Now to work out a steep time. The cream will take a while but the fruits should be much faster. What steep would you think for each?


All I can smell in my office now is the cream from mixing… man that is some strong stuff!


It depends @Ianc13. I do mine in batches, and typically decide on 1 week, or 2 weeks depending on the flavors. Some, like Medicine Flower, I’ll let get a month. 1 week maybe 2 weeks.


Well that DOES sound like the real flavors, and/or not diluted.


Yep, that was my thought so I mixed real low for the tests. Got a tiny bit of the cream concentrate on my fingers and even that smells really strong.

Be interesting, that cream does not smell like any of the other creams I have. It is very full and dense smelling if that makes sense.


That is EXACTLY what it is. DENSE. Their creams are really like none other.


Let the waiting begin…