I need good recipes for this flavor

1- French Vanilla Delux TPA
2- Bvarian Cream TPA
3- caramel original TPA
4- Orange Cream TFA
5-Natural Strawberry FW
6-Extrem ice FW
7-Sweetener FW
please help me for made good mix recipe with percentage .

Strawberry Orange Cream
Orange Cream - 4%
Bavarian Cream - 2%
Strawberry - 4%

Creamy Caramel
Caramel - 3%
Bavarian Cream - 3%
French Vanilla - 3%

Strawberry Slush
Extreme Ice - 2%
Strawberry - 4%
Sweetener - 2%

thank you jojo

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My pleasure. These are starting % suggestions. You might need to alter to taste. :smile: