I wanta make Sweet Blackberry

I wanta make this ( http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/156762/Sweet+blackberry+ ) but I dont have any Super Sweet. What can I use in place of it and about how much do you think it would be? I cant even find it any where to purchase.

I would just try it without. If you still think it needs sweetening, try any sweetener, or a bit of marshmallow… :smile:


Agree with daath, but do not suggest cotton candy or EM to sweeten…I use marshmallow as well…

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Thanks guys.

SuperSweet (CAP) is Sucralose. TFA and many other companies sell it under different names. The recipe was marked as private so i couldnt see what flavoring was used but many fruit flavors are sweet on their own.


This is the one I adapted from Amy.

Hey Taz1 I just used Capella’s super sweet in that recipe just 1 drop blackberry can be a little bitter so the sweetner ( your choice ) is up to you. The Acai is mildly sweet idk if you’ll include that one but Marshmellow would do fine as well.

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