I wanted to give a shout out to benoz ! A quick thank you for all you have done

I ordered SS (CAP) & LMPie v1 (CAP) just this past Sunday only because I was going to do a adapt (dinner lady lemon tart) I’m going to mix a 30 ml of yours first. Because, I believe we are having the same pallette here also just like on several other of your recipes. They are Golden !!!
So I will let you know how it comes out, I should have my order by the end of next week due to the Holiday. I’ve literally been craving Lemon Custard, Lemon Pudding etc… Only problem I was missing a couple of flavors for a couple of other recipes I’ve been eye balling.
I’m sure like any recipe I’ve Adapted from you has been fabulous mate !!! I wanted to let you know that how much I appreciate (whether you know it or not) you mate, it just so happens that if it wasn’t for the great recipes & adaptations that you have created or added some thing to them that really cought my eyes, if I had not made them I would have went back to smoking cigarettes/Durries no doubt about it !! I’ve learned so much from you and following around your notes as well as your recipes of course and your posts on the forum,Sorry been stalking you. LOL
Thanks Mate for helping me along my road to keeping myself off of them nasty things that were literally killing me.
I just wanted to encourage you to keep up with the awesome work your doing and have done. Because, even though you didn’t know what you were doing as far as keeping a Brother/Mate encouraged. You did your part, you saved at least 1 life that I know of that being mine. I’ve still got the COPD stage 2 amongst other things. But I’m alive and that’s the main thing. I’ve also been able to spend some extra time with my 3 grandchildren because of your help,(I should have told you about this sooner) I owe you bro,that’s for sure.
Thanks again mate for everything


Agreed! I am just finishing off a 120ml of his Grant’s Custard which I was very interested in because it’s only 10% total flavs. Turned to be a very much vapable 3 flavor recipe. My lungs appreciate the lowered flavor% (what like 50% of some other popular recipes?) and my palate enjoys the simple balance. The Aussies have some strong representation on ELR …High Fives Down Low


Thanks out to @whosyourdaddy for the post, and @BoDarc for sharing @Benoz’s GVC recipe.


I know that I’d tried Grant’s, but didn’t care for it and chalked it up to my being a noob that didn’t know any better. I think that it was a case of too many flavors now, as the recipe I’d used had CAP Vanilla Custard at 11% !!

Time for a rematch! Thanks for posting a link to this version-Cheers!


I’ll couldn’t agree with you more, Genius !! I always had someone or 2 mixers on ELR that I stalked ain that right @Ken_O_Where ? I always have a 60 ml steeping in my rabbit hole of Strawnana Custard anyone that has not tried it, i personally highly recommend it’s sitting here below steeping lol
thanks for letting or not knowing that I was and still stalk you. LMAO

I know it was just posted but it’s without a doubt worth re posting it. Or twitting or tweeting it on Twitter or Twatter


Your to kind brother and every one else with your kind words the grants vc is just an adaptation of another recipe just follow the adaptation button its quite nice i have 500ml steeping and add caramel to it or strawberry in 100ml batches cuts down steeping times. Feels good to help someone out and pass forward knowledge from all the great people in this forum and all the places i have learned a great deal over the last 9 months and look forward to learning more from you all thanks again.


Yeah my first was around 10 or 12% VC (CAP) talk about a full blown custard, Ido love it around 5,6% though


I like that little kangaroo too, even tho most recipes using (VTA) Love and of course I can’t get it here, or I’m not shopping at the right places, who knows lol.

I’m extremely happy to see that he was able to give you such inspiration and helped you with mixing. We all need a person like that, unfortunately it’s rare and hard to find.

Luckily we got some of these good people here, always sharing, caring and helping each other. Please continue to do so. :hugs:


Well I appreciate that @eStorm
If I ever make a trip to Australia I’d really like to meet Benoz. The wife and I love to travel and it’s usually about 2-3 weeks in advance. And typical Male that I am I pack everything I need and lots of things that I end up never needing acourding to my wife anyway. I pack the bags and she proceeds to “Repack my luggage” screw my whole packing organizational skills and throws that idea out the window. Am I missing something ? LMAO, while we were packing to head to Japan 2 yrs ago, I packed (no kidding) just barely the minimum of our stow away bags/carry on. And my luggage almost didn’t make I believe it was the 50 lbs or 25 lbs I don’t remember, having a case of the youngstimers sure as hell didn’t help, lol. Here’s my outlook on vacationing either overseas or vacationing here in the US. Packing: run around packing bags of luggage only to find out that going thru the terminals pulling a almost a 50 lb POS with the wheels that we’re wobbling back and forth and side to side slinging all of what’s left in my 1 months worth back of luggage. So I came up with a brilliant solution, next over seas trip, I said to my wife let’s just do this the easy way nothing but a carry on a piece and when we hit the shopping areas well just buy a piece of luggage a piece hit the local inexpensive clothing store grab some clothes and there you have it solution solved lol
Needless to say for some reason she just looked at me and rolled her eyes and said just as serious as you could imagine " What the hell were you drinking or smoking" to come up with such a at least I thought a brilliant idea. Hmmmm !!
The longest 18 hr flight I’ve ever been on,but it was still a blast. My whole concept is K.I.S.S ( keep it simple stupid) in almost every thing I do or at least try to be a simple, humble (as I can at least, man.) And a final word goes out to the rest of our Vaping Family. You folks are totally amazballs. And I love and respect each and every one of you for sharing your knowledge about mixing and the passion from you guys is amazing. I’m very encouraged thank you all