An Arkansas bill, SB 347 would impose a 16% wholesale tax on vapor products. It is scheduled for a hearing on
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
10:00 AM
OSC, State Capitol
Little Rock, Arkansas
CASAA has also learned that a lobbying effort is underway to put a 7.5c/mL tax on bottled e-liquid.
Please if you are in Arkansas or know anyone in Arkansas send them here:
CASAA will send your letter to your congressman for you, you can use their letter or write your own; or as I did, add your words to their letter. Here is a copy of mine.
To: Senator John Cooper (via email)
Date: 2/19/2019 9:48 PM
Subject: People who smoke need affordable alternatives
Dear Senator Cooper,
I smoked for 35 years and tried many times to quit. I tried patches, gum, cold turkey, and even tried Chantix. Nothing really helped until I tried an electronic cigarette in 2014. I have not had a cigarette since. I am also now NICOTINE FREE. I owe my life to this device, and I’m not just trying to sound dramatic. Imposing a tax on a life saving device is just wrong. I am writing as a voter and taxpayer urging you to reject the tax on e-cigarettes that would be imposed by SB 347. This extra tax on vaping is unjustifiable and would negatively affect my access to low-risk, smoke-free products. It does not make sense that Arkansas would want to make it more difficult for people who smoke to switch to demonstrably safer alternatives to cigarettes. Subjecting smoke-free vapor products to a sin tax is punitive and grossly inappropriate. Ultimately, this new tax would raise costs on consumers like me, discourage people who smoke from switching An interim committee previously recommended an alternative tax of 7.5 cents per ml, which I also strongly oppose. Stores throughout Arkansas sell nicotine and nicotine-free e-liquids in bottles that are 30, 60, and 120 ml large. A per ml tax will harm local small businesses and enrich out-of-state companies that sell pre filled products in small cartridges. This unnecessary tax would actually protect sales of traditional cigarettes and encourage people who smoke to continue smoking. This is counter to modern advice from The Royal College of Physicians (a 500-year old professional organization which is one of the most respected in the world) which recently recommended promoting vapor products widely to smokers as an alternative to combusted cigarettes. I along with my fellow members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) urge you to resist calls for increased taxes and overregulation from misguided activists that seek to impede adult access to far less hazardous alternatives to smoking. I look forward to your response on this issue and I am available for any questions you might have.