iJoy LimitlessXL, branding for posterity

What’s up vapers!
SirRisc here with another gear review!

This LimitlessXL RTA was sourced from Heavengifts!


Shortly after I received this RTA, news got out that iJoy and LimitlessModCo had a bit of a falling out.
The TL;DR of that drama is essentially one of two parties going back on a previous deal and demanding more money.
And if you look at the price differences, it does appear a bit unreal… Where one party wants to sell their gear at prices that are more than reasonable, the other wants to sell the exact same product at more than double because their logo is on it.

I hate picking sides. In fact I can’t pick sides because I want to be impartial as a reviewer. But I also don’t shy away from controversy, and to put it in a rather stereotypical saying: I call 'em like I see 'em.
So let me rant for a second here and say this to the companies pricegauging because of a logo or branding (keeping in mind that I’m not targetting anyone specifically): please go out of business. Close shop and get the fuck out.
Stop trying to be more than you are, stop acting like you’ve invented running water, and stop making the vaping industry a victim of your overinflated ego.
If you’re pricegauging, you’re a greedy piece of shit. Plain and fucking simple. You’re not “keeping the market at a profitable rate”, you’re not “making sure the qualitystandard is higher”, you’re simply swinging a small dick around pretending to be a pornstar.
You’re attempting to create a gap within the industry that will eventually come back and bite you in the ass. Because really, people won’t pay $149 for a mod if they can get the exact same one for ~$60.
And before anyone wants to tear me a new one by explaining that the R&D and prototyping costs a lot of money; I know it costs a lot. I realise that R&D is a big chunk of the cost for smaller batches, but with tanks like these it’s less of a factor.
These are being massproduced in China and are obviously still turning a profit with lower pricing. There is a big difference between pricegauging and turning a profit.

With that said, I got the iJoy LimitlessXL RTA in my mailbox a few weeks back.
How does it perform? Let’s have a look!

iJoy LimitlessXL RTA


  • 25mm diameter
  • Prebuilt coilheads as well as RBA heads
  • 19.8mm RBA heads for single coil and dual coil
  • 4ml capacity
  • Bottom airflow
  • Widebore driptip and 510 adapter included
  • 0.15ohm “Lightup” prebuilt coilhead included


The LimitlessXL comes in a plastic shell wrapped with a bright orange wrapper, fully smothered in LimitlessModCo branding.
The back of the wrapper contains a short word on the atomizer and a list of specifications.
A scratch n’ check sticker is also included to check for authenticity.

Opening the plastic shell reveals the tank sitting in a black foam insert in the middle.
Right next to it is a black screwdriver on one side, and the 510 driptip adapter on the other side.
Above the tank is a spare glass section with a bag of spare o-rings inside.
Under the tank is where thi:ngs get interesting, it holds both the XL-I (single coil RBA) and XL-II (dual coil RBA) heads.
The tank does come with the 0.15ohm “light up” coilhead preinstalled. More on that later.


The listings for this tank claim the system for exchanging the coilheads to be unique. It’s not, it’s been done before with only very minor differences.
The Cthulhu RTA III, the TFV8, the UD Zephyrus V2, … they’ve all had similar systems for swapping coils.
That aside, I have to admit that the RBA coilheads are pretty well done and they are indeed easy to swap out.
Considering there are three coilheads included in the package, they offer a wide range of performance.

Let’s start with the XL-I, a single coil RBA with lots of room to build.
The deck measures 19.8mm and has a large enough space to mount thicker coils.
The airflow hole is lowered to allow for the coil to be kept close to the posts.
It’s a fairly big airflow hole too so DTL is no issue at all, this isn’t a Kayfun after all.

The XL-II is my prefered coilhead, a dual coil RBA again measuring 19.8mm.
Two posts with rather big holes to accomodate for more exotic builds, though the posts both have a single hole making it slightly less convenient than a Velocity styled deck.
On both sides you’ll find a big airflow hole that allows for a lot of air to be fed from the bottom directly onto the coils.
Wicking is no issue at all if you keep the wicks short enough to just plug the wicking holes. If you stuff more wick into the wicking holes, the tank can have difficulty wicking on higher wattages.
Though when you wick it well, the tank will happily run at 100+W with dual coil setups.

The third coilhead is a prebuilt one, the XL-C4 is a bit “speshiul”.
Allow me to explain… it’s a quad coil inside of the coilhead sitting at 0.15ohm and rated for 50W to 215W.
That’s right, 215W on a prebuilt coil. This is the same territory of insanity the TFV8 touched on.
It works very well and it will happily run at 150+W in daily use, but they don’t last long at those wattages.
What makes it a bit “speshiul” is what happens at the bottom of the coilhead.
I’ve recently expressed my love for the XCube Ultra, which has LED lighting behind the fire button.
This coil has a small board built in the bottom holding 4 LEDs… No really, a coilhead that has LEDs. Stop laughing.
It will light up the airflow and 510 when you fire it.

That brings me to a very big flaw of this tank, the airflow.
It has a fan styled airflow that sits at the bottom, providing plenty of air.
Bottom airflow is known to increase flavor and the tank does well in that regard, it has about the same amount of flavor as the Cthulhu RTA III.
But it’s also prone to condensation, and the location makes it a dangerous one.
When you vape, you heat up the liquid and it forms condensation. With most tanks the condensation falls off to the side of the mod it’s on, unless it has bottom airflow.
With bottom airflow the condensation is dumped on the 510 connection and since VG is a humectant (it draws in liquid) the 510 gets covered in a thick layer of moisture.
After about one tank vaped, I have to remove the tank and clean the fan styled airflow holes as well as the 510 connection on the mod.
That’s fortunately the only big flaw on the tank, because the performance otherwise is rather good.
I still prefer the Cthulhu RTA III over the LimitlessXL but the performance is very similar.

The topcap is a large widebore cap that can be replaced by a smaller topcap allowing for 510 driptips.
I found the widebore topcap to be a bit too bulky, it mutes the flavor quite a bit but does allow for some very dense vapor production.
The smaller topcap for 510 driptips has a much lower profile and, depending on which driptip you use, doesn’t mute the flavor as much.
Underneath the topcap, which can be a bit hard to remove, are big filling holes. And when I say big, I mean you can fill the tank very quikly without a drop spilled.
Even with stumpy glass droppers, the filling holes are large enough to fill the tank quickly.


The LimitlessXL looks like something that escaped from a 70’s scifi movie.
It has a rather noticeable barrel in the shape of an X and an L where the coilheads reside in.
On the chimney you’ll see a laseretched Limitless logo, as well as on the coilheads themselves, and on the airflow ring.
The airflow-ring is very hard to move when the tank is mounted on a mod, but also sits tightly against it which makes accidental adjusting of the airflow nearly impossible.
With the widebore topcap the tank looks bulky and big, but with a 510 driptip it becomes a bit more tamed.

Pros and Cons.


  • Large and dense vapor
  • Good flavor with 510 driptip
  • Lots of airflow
  • Easy to build
  • Prebuilt, single and dual coil options


  • Airflow dumps condensation on the 510 like a tsunami
  • LEDs in coilheads are a waste
  • Airflow ring is nearly impossible to move when the tank is attached
  • 510 topcap is very hard to remove for filling
  • Design looks like something from a 70’s scifi
  • Too much branding going on (Seriously, we know it’s a Limitless. No need to shove it down our throats.)

In conclusion.

The performance of the LimitlessXL is good, but not great.
The fact that the airflow dumps moisture on the 510 like a tsunami is a very big flaw that will have me put this tank aside quickly.
When it comes to flavor, it performs well but no better than the Cthulhu RTA III which is cheaper, has less branding and is easier in use.
Why the LimitlessXL has the Limitless logo etched into it 3 times, plus the anything less than subtle XL shaped barrel is a mystery to me, it’s just too much branding.
I appreciate a good logo as much as anyone but this is just too much.
Regardless I do enjoy the tank though I wouldn’t replace it if it broke.

In closing I would like to thank Heavengifts for sending out the LimitlessXL!
Thanks for reading, join me next time as I take a look at a versatile atomizer called the Aspire Quad Flex!

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Want to know more about DIY? Head over to ELR.

#staycloudy !

SirRisc disappears in a cloud of frosty peach scented vapor

DISCLAIMER: This review is based on personal opinions and is not intended as a promotion, endorsement or advertisement.
The publisher is not sponsored, affiliated or compensated in any way.


That’s a good review.


Awesome review, as always @SirRisc :grinning:


Thanks for the very thorough review. It’s funny, I wanted to buy an iJoy Limitless RDTA Plus but I just cant get over the gigantic logo on the side.


What did you say? I couldn’t hear you over the screaming X logo. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Absolutely loved (and agree with) your rant, and I think you’re right on target!!

To quote an old sound clip about “the many uses of the word fuck”: Fuck the fucking fuckers!!


Great review! I definitely feel the same way and I’m really glad I got it on pre-order which saved me about $20. I’m honestly enjoying my baby beast more. I got them both around the same time and I like being able to vape under 40 watts. What was I thinking! Thanks again!