So I’ve been wanting to tinker with flavor bases. I’m generally good at math, but let me just clarify with a hypothetical
I have a recipe with 14.5% total flavoring, lets say. If I want to mix my final product including VG, PG and nicotine, when I’m making a flavor base, do I set the “Desired mixing percentage” to 14.5%?
Short answer is yes.
The flavor base is used as an ingredient in your case since your flavor base is the actual total of the ingredients being added into the recipe you would use it as the total amount used in the flavor percentage.
Yes. If you want to make a “recipe” out of your base you can cross reference using a percentage calculator on google. If your whole base is 20% of the recipe like 5% Cream, 5% Strawberry 10% Custard you use the percentage calculator to ask what % is 5 of 20 (which is 25% and 10 of 20 is 50%). You then make your “recipe for your base” with 25% and 50%. The recipe calculator will force you to use at least 2% VG or PG though
You know we have a flavor base calculator here? Go to any recipe, and click the blue wrench, then “Make flavor base”
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: The “Desired mixing percentage” is designed for the people who use loads of flavor bases. Let’s say they have 3 bases that they’re supposed to mix at 12.5%, 14.3% and 18% instead of trying to remember all that you can set all your bases to be mixed at 20% and the calculator will add some PG to the base so that it can be mixed at 20%.
That way you can also make a premixed nic/PG/VG base with a certain mg-level that has room for 20% flavoring Then mixing will be really easy. No matter the recipe you just add 20% flavoring and 80% base
Well I feel silly doing all that extra math lol… Thanks! I think Jo Jo told me this as well but I’m old and I ferget stuff if’n I don’t hear it a few times
That went way over my head. So if I have several recipes, (which I do but all with different percentages), howdo I make it so theres a single consistent base percentage like 20%?
Let’s say I want my current flavor at 14.5%, how do I up it to 20% without diluting or over flavoring the juice? I’m confused as to the variable that prevents either scenario.
You simply go to the recipe, click the blue wrench, click “Make flavor base”, then specify how much you want to make, and that the “Desired mixing percentage” is 20% instead of 14.5% - it will add PG to the base to make it fit
In other words, the overall amount of flavoring will be the same but the next time I mix in the nic, vg and Pg, the flavor base will be at 20 instead of 14.5?
That… is brilliant… you may have just saved me hours of headache and making sure flavors are always exact! Granted, it doesn’t take THAT long, but still, a minute saved is a minute earned.