Im Australian and i need a mod 🙄

Hello aussie vapers. Where can i buy a mod? If you’ve found a chemist that sells them please let me know. At this point im happy to break the rules and import something, so i’d welcome any recomendations for online businesses that will accomodate me.

Thanks all.


G’day Mate!
I think you would be much better off joining up to a BST group on FB and asking the question. Aussie BST groups are pretty active these days. I’m not sure what chemists have to offer but I’m tipping it would be pretty limited and a lot more expensive than usual :+1:


I would have thought most overseas businesses would accommodate you but that’s not your problem. Getting anything vape related imported is obviously illegal now and therefore it actually making through customs without being confiscated is your problem. I’m sure most overseas businesses will take your money as the risk is known by you and all yours.
As suggested someone domestic would be your best bet but unfortunately I’ve no ideas.
In regards to a chemist that obviously depends on where you live and if they’re selling anything. But bear in mind if you’re lucky enough to find one you’ll pay a lot for it and you need a prescription until October 1st.


BST? Can you please elaborate for me.


Buy, Sell, Trade. It’s a group to buy and sell everything vape related.


@cooper1 There are a lot of vaping groups on Facebook. My friend uses one to buy juice. Another to buy or trade gear. I think you’ll do well there because there’s no danger of confiscation. Just be sure to search for reputable groups.


People still ordering from AliExpress at your own risk


If you have trouble let me know, i have a heap of mods to sell.
All brand new in original packaging.
I dare say itll be much cheaper than any pharmacy