Inawera Shisha Gingerbread

Ok, I love a slice of good ol’ gingerbread with my tea, one of life’s little pleasures!
So, I was looking at the Inawera site, putting an order together, when I stumbled upon the Shisha gingerbread.
Ok I thought, I’ll have some of that!
Order has arrived and I have searched high and low for reviews and tips for this flavour to no avail!
Can anyone help?


I know just the man …oh @Beaufort_Batches where are ya ? Here’s your time to spout all you wonderful knowledge on Gingerbread !

I like it but it’s not an ADV type of flavoring for me it’s more of a seasonal holiday thing. Maybe BB can chime in here.


Here are a few tester reviews from the INW site:

Very nice flavour, there’s gingerbread, cinnamon and everything in fine proportions, extra.
Best concentration: 18-20 drops/10 ml

Gingerbread taste with well recognizable spices, cinnamon and cloves are dominating.
Best concentration: 16 drops/10 ml

This flavour surprised me nicely. Apparently it reminds gingerbread spices or to hot beer (which I don’t like too much, if they are too many)while here they are very nicely composed. The ready LQ is sometimes delicately scorching, you can recognize ginger, cinnamon, cloves andeverything in the proportions I liked.
Bestconcentration: 20 drops

AWESOME– UNIQUE and DIFFERENT combination – throughout this testing Ifound out that I LOVE GINGER ! When inhaling you can feel the ginger (and maybe some cinnamon with a grapefruit touch??? and when exhaling there is something - maybe biscuit – making it smoother & leaving a nice sweetness on your lips … I LOVE IT !!! Best concentration: 4%


@Amy2 @Kinnikinnick
thanks for the info guys!
Very much appreciated!
Hopefully I will get a decent mix out of this? I have to say that the smell from the bottle gets the juices flowing!
Off to the mixing lab later on me thinks?
Now should I add a touch of LA Cream Cheese Icing to this? HHHMmmmmmmmmm!


Do you know what type of recipe you’d like to make with the gingerbread ? Like a cookie or a drink ? CCI and gingerbread makes me go hmm also I use CCI with pumpkin spice and those two get along well I don’t see why not.





@Amy2. @Maureeenie @Kinnikinnick
Oh yes! The LA Cream Cheese Icing stays! No doubt about that!
In fact my INW lemon drizzle cake can’t live without it! LOL

Think I will do a straight up gingerbread with the CCI and maybe a gingerbread ice cream?


Butterscotch, Jamaican Rum, Licorice, Molasses are some supporting flavors that DIYers tend to forget. I’ll send you a copy of one of my many Gingerbread recipes Kinnikinnick to check out. I make Gingerbread often in rotation even out of season, I love Gingerbread vapes. One of my top 5 faves.


Sorry Amy, I was on the phone with IT techs all day just about. No breaks today, glad it’s over.

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OK I gotta ask, I’ve noticed some juices with “shisha” in the title. Color me dumb or ignorant or whatever, but can someone please tell me what it means or why the flavor would be “shisha gingerbread” as opposed to just gingerbread.

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It’s the “type” of line the flavor is from and Shisha I believe is their naturals line.

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LA Cream Cheese Icing on any cake,


@GPC2012 Not a dumb question, and one we have all asked! LOL
Can’t put my finger on any tobacco notes in any Shisha flavour, so would tend to agree with BB that this is Inaweras natural flavour line?
But I have to say that all the Shisha flavours I have tried so far are very good and worth having!

Ok folks I have 3 testers steeping just now, 1%,3% and 5%.
Simple taste test on back of hand indicates to me that the 2% tastes better but I am sure that could change after a steep?
Have a few flavour pairing ideas I am bursting to try?
So another wait begins! LOL

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I think the relate Shisha to tobacco simply because real tobaccos are flavored with natural flavors. So it only makes sense to flavor tobaccos with “natural” flavors. Not sure if this is the logic or not, just saying, but I don’t think any Apple flavored Cigar I ever tried was anything but natural flavor. Yea, on occasion, I have a fine Cigar like on Christmas or my Birthday. It reminds me although fine cigars are good, vapings better…

Have you tried “the gingerbread man” retail juice? I’ve been on the mission trying to find the right to gingerbread to recreate that. I’ve got about 9 or 10 so far that are definitely not right. Guess I’ll ha e to try that one too. Lol