Inawera website

I was looking for the main Inawera website because I would like to pick up a few flavors that I’m almost out of. All I get is every site that carries Inawera but not the main site. Does anyone know if they shut down their main site.


Thanks Rocky!:+1:


You’ll have fun there. Very poor site, AND although you’re not in the EU, you get to pay VAT.


Ya I’m looking at the import/export charges and shipping fees :tired_face: I don’t think it’s worth it for just a few flavors. I can get a few of the INW classic pipe flavors @Nomz, but the one I need is INW Captain Jack for Pipe which isn’t avail @Nomz. Looking for a good straight pipe tobacco to pair with SM Whiskey Cavendish in a Irish Cream Pipe recipe.


It was actually quite cheap after conversion from polish zlotka. I got black, dark, and gold ‘for pipe’ myself. You know they’re changing their name to Flavorika.

Here’s their sister site (old name inawerawinkel), no idea about pricing or VAT.


You can ask NN and they might get it in their next order.
It seems the prices are very high right now at Inawera; you might get it cheaper in other European shops (plus you’d most probably get it without VAT; but on the other hand as far as i know shipping was always cheap at Ina, so…). Here is a French one (i never ordered there; it’s just the one that opened first).

(if shopping at Ina, you might want to check their forum where they have reviews of newer flavors that we don’t know; to get some hidden jewel (but their forum is not available atm it seems).


I’m a dope - that was the wrong product, so I’ve deleted my post.