Indoor Smokers Take on Juul

Right. No upper age limits at the Cerebral Internment Camps. I remember transit buses around here emblazoned all over with their candy ass logos (enough to creep-out any intelligent adult). All that can be found today on Google Images is police cars (in similar absurdity). Kind of boring. Standard Nazi regalia.


Have always thought that a counter-movement should have been started: D.U.H. “Drop the Utter Horseshit”


Dare was definitely part of my childhood in the early 90’s being in school, and it focused so heavily on ‘Say No’ instead of ‘Why you should say No’. Yeah, alot of uninformed people came out of school not knowing what was what. It was comparable to ‘Don’t have sex’ only they don’t actually tell you why. Only that it’s bad.


Our society seems to shrink from the idea of actually educating ourselves and others as to the benefits as well as side effects and potential physical dangers (or just psychological downsides) of the use of drugs - which are patented and manufactured only if they promise large profits - where many of which are far to vastly more physically dangerous than “demonized darlings”. Ethanol is by far one of the most harmful of all.

The level of intentionally disseminated lies, convolutions, distortions surrounding pharmacology is extreme. Physicians don’t help at all - often arrogant, and generally preferring to infantilize even competent adults.

“Temperance” in general is (only eventually over time and experience) perhaps found and maintained. Entirely arising from within and personal knowledge based upon first-hand experiences. The “Victimhood” culture invites us to hold anyone but ourselves responsible (the doctor, the pharmacist, the manufacturer). This “indemnified herd” mentality has left us with the chemical-statist totalitarian-state (ie, the CDC, FDA, and their ilk), and an armada of (IMO) pseudo-psychiatric parasites, therapists, and “life coaches”. … :money_mouth_face: