Innokin Isub S Tank

I currently have two of these tanks, one of them gad a red logo on box which is original and came with 2 NI200 coils and one with blue logo and came with 1 standard and 1 Clapton coil and they call it the Flavours and Clouds edition.
Now over the last few weeks I have forgot which is which and both have new standard coils now. I have took both apart and can see no difference between the two, so wondered if any reviewers or members on here knows if there is any difference or is it just the supplied coils that’s difference

There’s no physical difference between them. The packaging with red lettering comes with TC capable coils, the blue lettering means powermode only.


Brill thanks for reply

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I’m looking at buying one of these for a friend, what is anyone’s overall impression of this tank?

Leaking, taste with the stock coils? I would not be buying TC Coils, Only Kanthal.

I had one previously…only leaking issues I had was when I dropped it and cracked the glass :weary:. IIRC I could get 1.5 - 2 weeks out of the kanthal stock coil vaping @20-25W, flavour wouldn’t be as brilliant for the second week but no dry hits/burnt taste… more that the flavours got a bit muddled.

Personally, I think the kanger top tank mini (for around the same price) performs better in regards to flavour…and the smok baby is epic too. So much choice out there! :slight_smile:️

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I’m running two of the Isub S tanks and only ever had leaking problems on rewicked standard coils but that’s just me not doing coil right some times, I have tried most of available coils for them and prefer the .2 standard coils on 25w. Fill system is easy top fill with big enough hole for droppers. And its easy to take apart for cleaning.
My overall impression is great tank.

@gollum2016 are you in the uk ?

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Yes Midlands

No silly…Gollum lives near the Gladden Fields in a cave :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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pm me your address I have a pack of isub coils I will never use collecting dust :slight_smile:

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Cheers PM You

Yea should have read Middle Earth LOL

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Thank you everyone for the information! It’s saw a great price for this tank and the coils are affordable for a new vapey. Very helpful!

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